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[–]EndlessSunflowers[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I had to trim so much off of the original quote to get it in under the 300 character limit
It's all good.
He was a rambling man.
Hard to capture the gist of his stream of consciousness talks, lol, I like listening to him once in a while
Always thought provoking

Here's the quote that I had copied down from listening to some of this talk:

from about 10:00 - 12:30 in this video

… they don’t want to panic the vast numbers of people who just go to work and raise their kids, and pray that somebody smarter is doing something about all of this… but they don’t believe there is any kind of normal future. and I don’t either. Business As Usual is not on the menu, folks. We’re either going to go into an era of immense resource scarcity, regimentation, governmental interference in our lives, tremendous propagandistic efforts to make us do one thing or another, OR, we’re going to pull the plug on Scientism, and its stooges, and the institutions which feed it. Capitalism is an interesting problem, more easily discussed now that communism is out of the picture. Capitalism is as anti human a philosophy as you can possibly conceive, because at this very moment, we should be consuming less, manufacturing less, selling less, transporting less, and what’s the battle cry, free trade everywhere, what does free trade mean, it means my right to come to your country and sell the most outlandish junk you’ve ever seen… see, they try to tell you that Capitalism and Democracy are not at variance, actually the whole Marxist-Leninist- Socialist thing was a side dish, the real life and death struggle is between Capitalism and Democracy. Democracy says everybody has an innate worth that must be honored, capitalism says, those who die with the most toys win. You cannot reconcile these two things. and nobody wants to talk about this. We’re still having the party over the fall of communism…