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Cool I've never heard of Delta 8 before. Weed technology is moving fast. Kratom is a great idea too, I should get some. I had it once and it was mild and pleasant.

How so? I don't think I process emotions ever at all, they just are.

I donno, something about the reward pathways like you mentioned. If I am high high, I will be interpreting everything as a watered down version of itself. The lows won't be so low, the blahs not no blah. My version of reality is tainted and subjective. And then what happens when you're out? Total meltdown shitshow. The real anger has been stuffed, but now that you're sober it's coming out.

Like if I get mad it's best I just fucking let it out immediately, otherwise it'll build and explode worse.

That sounds nice. Maybe I can get better at that.

You did a lot of that?

Maybe 10 or 20 times. Yeah if you get the black power super concentrate you trip balls. But the trip is not entirely pleasant because you're there and back all within like 2 minutes. The mild leafy stuff is just like a poor man's weed high that always gave me a headache.

Well back to the gin for now. hahaa.