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[–]PastorJohnny 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

garlic is said to be called an antiparasitic.

want to see what real real parasites look like for humans?

btw, you could have this and not know it.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

[–]PastorJohnny 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

that is pretty much what they look like.. here is the interesting part of the intestinal parasite.. they bite into some flesh in your intestines and they suck your blood.. and, like every creature that eats... this is one that also shits.. he shits toxic substances into your intestines that mixes in with the foods that you have eaten and then this toxic crap is passed into your blood stream and then circulates thruout your entire body and brain.

these little creatures can bring upon you any illness or disorder that is imaginable, including psychiatric disorders.

guess what kills them? large doses of fresh garlic.

garlic is hot like fire to them..

it dissolves them... they release their teeth from you and they melt..