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[–]SaidOverRed 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

OP is absolutely correct. Men: stay away from soy. Keep doing anything that maintains the testosterone: competition, exercise, even meditation. I'm not going to go full-on "it's in the water supply" but there is good evidence to suggest plastics can even have unintended consequences for men. And it's not a good thing for women either. Women want clear delineations between men and women.

Also see Dr. Jordan Peterson on the effects of birth control on desirability of more feminine men based off the fertility cycle. The redpill alpha fucks beta bucks might be a real effect. After all, the pill actually tells a woman's body that she's pregnant all the time. To think there would be ABSOLUTELY not mental or sociological effects of this massive change is a fantasy. It doesn't help that everything keeps changing so rapidly, we can't wait to see what the effect of any one particular change (the pill) has on women or society.