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[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

why is this life happening?

The whole entire point is for you to remember. I know it's not easy and I'm still not claiming I truly grasp it, but without remembering, you won't make much more progress along the spiral. You must search further within yourself and the answer should one day stare you in the face.

it looked like "Shiva"

I had that feeling as well. Why would The Destroyer be given Milk?... Yeah, not really sure on this one, especially without having more context for Milk in Hinduism. I won't avoid admitting I've been lazy with these things.

Who are "the Powers That Be" and why are they running the world as they are?

I think defining them in a place like this would be sort of naive, but part of this game we play has to do with not knowing on purpose. Y is important, though. It would help you better understand the dynamic, if nothing else.

As for why they're running things the way they are: it's complicated. See, things are not hegemonic and their vying for control manifests in a variety of ways. There's no real simple way of explaining it, but the best we can do is explain that people like myself are at odds with them. While we want to take the vibration one way (the "hard way"), they want to take it in another direction (the "easy way", from their perspective). They wish to force "God"'s hand. The last time that happened, there was a lot more water around...

Being farmed? Why and by who, and could you explain this "Matrix" that we're in to me? A matrix is nothing more than a closed-system, or a "array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns".

I've been trying to show you some pieces to the puzzle for a while now and I think we can both guess, if nothing else, who each other is at this point. With that being said, I'd advise you to look back through the things I said with this question in mind and ask yourself why I chose to speak of those particular things.

I've already answered the "by who" part, I'd think. Why is a weird answer, but it should be explained that it satiates them.

Anyway, it's a Matrix of confusion. There's indeed a closed system, but you're not supposed to think of everything as being so physical. Sometimes these metaphors are expressed in a purely psychological manner, a manner of energy or ether, or something along those lines.

As you know, it's hard for me to be too specific about these things mostly because these aren't explanations that I have an easy time transferring in to verbal expressions.

last part

I'm confident there's little reason to avoid taking things like this to another place. I'll likely take you up on it sometime in the future.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

I'm sorry, I didn't see this comment until last night.

I think we can both guess, if nothing else, who each other is at this point.

How? You literally could be anyone larping on the internet, yeah I could guess, but what does guessing do for me? Your answers are very vague and ambiguous, and as someone who's spent the majority of their life researching all of this unfortunately (as I mentioned to you earlier, my rabbit hole started as a child, witnessing 9/11, with my father telling me "the government did it" when I was freaking out about terrorists, and when I asked him to explain, he told me: "research it yourself if you want to understand". This lead to only more questions than answers.

If you do indeed have a message to share with people who are open-minded and willing to hear it and want to learn more, why not just share it? Is this because it's "part of the game of unknowing which must be"? Then why even make this thread? Even the things "you'd like us" to research, are spoken in riddles. Empathizing with you, someone who hypothetically has "more or a better understanding" of certain topics and has created a thread to help educate people, I don't understand why you do this. I wouldn't spoon-feed either if I were in your hypothetical position, but I would not be as ambiguous if I wanted people to actually learn something. There is a clear difference between being spoon-food, and answering questions with ambiguous phrases.

Most of us here are aware of a lot of the things you're talking about, but there is a ceiling level when it comes to the internet and researching topics on your own - you do hit a dead end, or multiple theories about a topic. There's also disinformation thrown into the mix. So for people who are hitting dead-ends despite researching, and are asking specific questions, why not explain things to them? Why be so ambiguous and clandestine if you're even going to post this thread?

Honestly, I'd like to learn new things - but this approach isn't helping (and I'm honestly not trying to attack you). I can already see the symbolism you're pointing out (which people interpret in personal ways), but there is no explanation from you. You're acting like you're leaving breadcrumbs for me, but I could have put that much together on my own (like with the whole Shiva thing).. Some of us didn't have access to "masters" or the opportunity to become "an apprentice". It doesn't mean we don't see things. But if you had the opportunity, why not actually share the knowledge? Everything that's been discussed in this thread is already known by the majority of users here, and has been discussed here as well if you check the website out. However, there is no agreed upon consensus concerning the majority of these topics.

Honestly, it feels kind of frustrating if you are for real. Because I do have serious questions and would like to learn - if some of these questions were answered clearly, I could better make sense of other things I didn't understand, and things I thought I understood, but didn't.

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

Sorry, man. I was pretty confident you were who I thought you were, especially with you sending me an invite to post in that sub. I suppose I was wrong.

I figured if you were the person I thought you were, that I could simply point you to things that we both know I've already said in other places, in which case, you might find some of those things pretty enlightening after I'm only able to be ambiguous here in some of my answers.

With that being said, you asked me questions that were pretty vague and unfortunately chose a topic from the image that I'm not going to be able to say much of anything intelligent about. Hinduism simply hasn't caught my eye thus far, so I've given it little attention. Asking about why we're here seems super redundant, sort of like the video you linked to mentioned (about the Egg), so I can't really take that anywhere beyond reminding you that you need to remember and that that's your journey alone.

There's not much reason to discuss who "they" are here, but I did give you a hint that you could use to match against other explanations from other groups that we've talked about here (Y is a reference to a popular topic over at the Q research board and, despite invoking multiple meanings, as is my guess, it at least paints a clearer picture).

You asked about how and why we were being farmed, but I avoided mentioning Loosh because I'm not sure how much I shouldn't talk about this here...

You also asked about my opinion on reality, which, who isn't going to be vague about that? We're all children with lips of an infant (in terms of our understanding of this reality), so who here could actually explain this adequately beyond simple things that resonate with them personally?

In other words, and at risk of coming off pretty harsh, your questions were vague, so the answers can only really be vague.

Yes, I want to help you ride the spiral too, but I can't do that if the majority of your questions are so vague like this. There's no way you can't sense the balancing act at play here, man...

Finally, I brought up Max for good reason. He very obviously said too much and was murdered for it. The reason I mentioned him had two inspirations, the first was to explain why I can't go in to a whole lot of detail about some things and the second was because he's already covered these topics extensively. What he did was extremely important and if you fail to realize that, it's no wonder you'd still fall back on these questions each time someone that seems intelligent is willing to answer your questions.

Besides, I sort of figured that us both having similar "watch lists" made things pretty evident...

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

I'm sorry d00d, if you're for real (even if not), I genuinely appreciate your effort and all the time you've taken here.

I can't learn the way you're describing things in hints, riddles and breadcrumbs instead of being straight-forward - as I said, there's multiple ways certain cultures and people interpenetrate different symbolism. Because of this, there are ceilings you hit when researching and you have to decide for your own, based on the little knowledge you have, with no proof of that being correct. There's also so much disinformation sprinkled into all topics of research.

Like I said before, if you really intended to spread information to an audience that is open-minded, and is already aware of many of the things you're discussing, but doesn't have a firm grasp on some of these topics, or the "understanding" you claim to have, I don't understand why you can't be more direct. If this thread was on Reddit, I'd understand your format and commenting-style, but you're posting this to SaidIt - it'd be like posting this to Voat (which would go absolutely no where with the way you're wording everything and how their user-base is).

For example:

"Prior to about 10k years ago, before the Great Deluge, man had significantly more control over this reality and had "abilities" (as you would best understand them) that, if they were explained to you, would likely completely shatter your overton window. I think this type of topic is best explained as an explanation for why Egyptian art features so many chimeras. Before humans took this specific form, we adopted many aspects of "life" and sort of experimented with different utilities offered to us by "nature".

I'm going to be careful with this conversation because I don't want to say too much so that you rely on my explanation such that you don't learn anything on your own.

So, to cut it down a little shorter,"

First - don't cut it shorter, if you truly want people to understand, explain. And second, I'm sure all of us here are aware of the homunculus and chimera. But you are not going into depth; you are not explaining exactly what you mean (and this is one example), when this explanation could be interpreted in many ways. For example, for me personally, I'm not sure if you're talking about alchemy here, but I personally lean towards the Law of One as a piece of the puzzle when I'm reading your answer to that question.

In Gnosticism, there's also the Demiurge who 'created the illusion of time', and according to some, was involved in the Great Deluge (or flood). So that's three different ways I could interpret your message from the knowledge I do have. Again, I wish you would be more literal if your intent is to share to knowledge, rather than being allusive like you are. I feel I could have an honest and real conversation with you then; as of right now, this conversation is one-sided, and you're expecting others to put together a puzzle using their unique puzzle pieces (or personal insights) without you sharing the correct puzzle-set with them, if that makes any sense as a metaphor.

Again, I'm not attacking you or attempting to be hostile towards you. I'd really like to have a human-to-human conversation with you, because even if you aren't real and are larping, you are aware of some topics I am not and I'd like to actually discuss them with you, to the point where I walk away from the conversation with some understanding of what you're actually talking about or a real/true direction to head in research-wise. I'm not asking to be spoon-fed, I'm asking for a two-way conversation where you see where I'm coming from and how I'm interpreting what you're saying, and correct me if the need be. But in this format, it isn't a discussion. I wish I could have a real conversation with you.

Thank you for sharing what you have shared though, I honestly do appreciate it.

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Voat is essentially useless at this point. Reddit would get nowhere fast with anything like this. 4chan nukes me too often for anything of real value to arise, but you seem so familiar that I'd guess you're already familiar with those events.

Look, I've already explained that you asked rather general questions, which nearly forces me to give pretty general answers. If you want to know more about Egypt, Atlantis, the Deluge or Egyptian gods, look no further than Robert Sepehr. He does great work on the topic, from what I've seen.

I'm sure all of us here are aware of the homunculus and chimera.

This is odd. Are you sure? You really seem to stand out from the bunch, first off. Second, these aren't very normie-tier topics and I find it hard to believe that a place like this would delve all that far in to these topics. Granted, I did in fact mention that I'm hardly familiar with this site in its entirety. Of course, it's not too surprising that somewhere out there would be a group of people that find topics that bore me pretty interesting. I can say more about this, though: Josef Mengele still runs experiments in the genre of chimeras to this day. He also still does shit with twins...

Anyway, to actually respond to what you said, I'll relent, since you've really pushed this through, that I'm not so much here to "inform the masses of super special info only I posses and can impart upon them". The ego-inflation is useful, sure, but that's not exactly my aim. I was sort of aiming at people that aren't quite like you in particular, someone that's both highly-intelligent and competent enough to poke holes while also being willing to confront me about it. People like you are a treasure to come across and, frankly, I used to be intimidated by you guys. In fact, I'm considering showing you something as a result.

If you'd like, you should send me a message about some of your interests and we can talk more privately.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Voat is essentially useless at this point. Reddit would get nowhere fast with anything like this. 4chan nukes me too often for anything of real value to arise, but you seem so familiar that I'd guess you're already familiar with those events.

I'm not familiar with the specific events, I'm familiar with the websites, and I've seen "Q&A's" like this pop up on them before, and they always get attacked or are dumbed-down. Or are by someone who actually doesn't know anything and is larping. But you do know things.

I was sort of aiming at people that aren't quite like you in particular, someone that's both highly-intelligent and competent enough to poke holes while also being willing to confront me about it.

Ouch my d00d!!

This is odd. Are you sure? You really seem to stand out from the bunch, first off. Second, these aren't very normie-tier topics.

Again, I grew up witnessing 9/11 as a child and went down the "occult and conspiracy" Rabbit Hole in middle school a few years after. This attracted me to related content, dealing with the occult, philosophy and alchemy. The concept of the government I loved and saw as morally superior than the rest of us (through my innocent, childhood-eyes), being capable of killing it's own citizens flipped my reality upside-down - what else have I been lied to about/think I know, that's completely wrong?

I grew up reading things like Full Metal Alchemist, Animal Farm, 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and finally the Ra Material when I was 17 (and listening to musical artists like Immortal Technique - I was around 11 when I made this YT channel lol - can you catch all the symbolism and bread-crumbs from 11/12-year-old me in that video? lmaoooo!) - Of course on my own time, I'm going to research what the real philosopher's stone is, what a real homunculus and chimera are. Stories may be fiction, but there's a grain of truth in every story..

These are the things that lead me to the Ra Material, The Thule and Vril Societies, The Ages of the Mother, the Father as well as the Age of Aquarius.. Vril! What an insane concept, yet I have no one to talk to about it, or ask questions. I'm the ceiling, I haven't found anyone who can educate me further, or help point me to a path of honest, further research. No answers or clues about Agharta, Asgard, nor what's frozen under the ice in Antarctica that is slowly melting.. They hint about it as you said, on "tell-a-vision", so I can guess.. Rather than the topics you mentioned, and it appeared I was interested in because I was trying to piece these things together via your answers on those topics, this is what I'd like to discuss with you, if it's ok.

If you don't mind, may I PM you with a dialogue about this and it's relating topics (Atlantis may actually come in here..)? You did mention "The Angel of Death" but dodged that imgur album I shared with you the first time around, so I believe you do have some knowledge on this topic.

I mean, even the numbers in your account name are important.. This is why I'm trying to get a 2-sided conversation out of you, there aren't many people to talk to about these subjects. If you do find someone, it's usually all about ego on their end (how much they know), rather than the exchange of knowledge.

"I'll relent, since you've really pushed this through. If you'd like, you should send me a message about some of your interests and we can talk more privately."

Thank you! Honestly, I'm not trying to force you into a discussion; if you don't want to have this conversation, you don't have to, but I honestly want to learn more and would appreciate that dialogue with you. I have some questions, I don't want to take up too much of your time (as I have already) so I'll get to the point. If it's okay for me to PM you still, given the topics and subjects I just mentioned, let me know and I'll upload more of the official files I have that I had to hunt down for, and we can have a real conversation about them.

I appreciate your time more than you, thank you!

Edit: Yep, I was 11. Just so you know, between that YT channel and this website I made when I was 11, I'm sharing some serious cringe with you lmao, this website was in the description of some of the videos on the channel, I totally forgot it even existed:

"Almost everybody is aware of Sarah Palin's "crib notes" on her hand used for the Tea Party convention. These notes were most likely used for the interviews and questions, leading to the assumption in which she probably saw the questions which were going to be asked beforehand. However, notice how the media makes a huge commotion out of this, and how OBVIOUS she made it she had notes written on her hand? A middle school student could write notes on his/her hand and not make it as obvious as Palin did.

These stills and the video itself make me question why she made it so obvious and didn't even try to hide the fact that she had notes written on her hand.. Or why she even had to write a couple of words on her hand in order to remember such simple terms.. Come on, could she really not remember "Tax"? She had to write a 3 letter word down? That's ridiculous. Either this was purposely done, or she's incredibly unintelligent and needs to take lessons from an 11 year old. I lean towards the purposely done side."

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Ouch my d00d!!

No, you're the exception. You weren't apart of the target audience because you stand out so much and can see things others can't.

But here, I'll send you something.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

You weren't apart of the target audience because you stand out so much and can see things others can't.

Thank you for the PM!

I honestly think you're underestimating people.

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Maybe. Or maybe they're just not as willing to express to people how serious they are or don't care about impressing people.

Trust me, I sort of have a knack for this kind of thing, it seems.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Or maybe they're just not as willing to express to people how serious they are or don't care about impressing people.

It's definitely this. And just an fyi, I was never trying to impress you, I'm genuinely thirsty for knowledge, as the well seems to have run dry for me as of a few years ago, as ignorant and arrogant as that sounds (that's why I kept mentioning ceiling limits when researching certain topics, disinformation, and multiple theories and takes on a topic that makes it so an individual has to decide for themselves what they feel is right, based on all they research they've done).

But people here like 2 hide their power level (as I'm sure you do, too). It wasn't as harsh as this 6 months ago. A lot has changed on SaidIt since then (and it's not because of the website's owners, but because of the people coming to SaidIt. This is bound to happen to any website that offers you a freeze peach platform, for obvious reasons). There's a lot of attacks, shilling and disinformation being spread on SaidIt now when that was never a factor (and we're open to all forms of conversation, their ideological/political basis doesn't matter (most of us tend to believe politics are just theater anyway), you just have to be willing to discuss it and back it up respectfully). The new thing is people attempting to twist narratives of those telling the truth to dissuade other users from checking out the information or content they're sharing. In general, people are also very paranoid and don't like sharing things about themselves or being too open here, as we've been told there is MILO here lurking.

I personally was PM'd and told not to be as open as I was being in the past, because MILO is here by a staff member. Honestly tho, I could care less. I appreciate the conversation we did have and everything you've shared with me, I've already learned more. Seriously, that's a huge gift, thank you.