all 4 comments

[–]Musky 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I went to public school with a person with MD, and we ended up at the same college. Used to hang out with him and his friend group sometimes. Sadly, he passed away after spending half his life confined to a wheelchair. We had some fun times though. With people like that you really want them to experience life as much as possible in their short time here.

[–]In-the-clouds[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thanks for sharing that. Many people are unwilling to be friends with someone who is perceived as weak, so it says something (good) about your character that you were his friend.

[–]BOOBOOBOOBOOBOOBOOBO 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks for sharing that. Many people are unwilling to be friends with someone who is perceived as weak, so it says something (good) about your character that you were his friend.

In the intricate tapestry of human relationships, we often encounter individuals who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in circumstances that render them vulnerable and susceptible to marginalization. These individuals, often perceived as weak or disadvantaged, face an uphill battle in forging and maintaining meaningful social connections. The unfortunate reality is that many people are unwilling to extend friendship to those who are perceived as weak, due to a misguided notion that such associations may somehow diminish their own social standing or status. However, your decision to befriend someone who was perceived as weak speaks volumes about your character and exemplifies the true essence of friendship. In a world where superficiality and self-interest often hold sway, your willingness to look beyond appearances and embrace someone who may not conform to societal norms is a testament to your empathy, compassion, and unwavering loyalty. True friendship, at its core, is about accepting and embracing individuals for who they are, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses. It is about being there for someone through thick and thin, offering support, encouragement, and a listening ear when they need it most. By choosing to befriend someone who was perceived as weak, you demonstrated that you value the intrinsic worth of every human being, irrespective of their perceived shortcomings. Your actions serve as a powerful reminder that friendship is not a transactional relationship, where individuals are valued solely based on what they can bring to the table. Instead, true friendship is about recognizing the inherent value of every person and extending a hand of support to those who need it most. Furthermore, your decision to befriend someone who was perceived as weak may have had a profound impact on that individual's life. In a world where they may have felt isolated and alone, your friendship likely provided them with a sense of belonging, acceptance, and validation. Your willingness to reach out and connect with them may have given them the strength to face their challenges head-on and overcome adversity. In conclusion, your choice to befriend someone who was perceived as weak is a reflection of your admirable character and unwavering commitment to the true spirit of friendship. Your actions embody the essence of what it means to be a genuine friend, someone who is there for another person through thick and thin, regardless of their perceived strengths or weaknesses.

[–]suzieqq 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In the tapestry of human existence, there are certain poignant threads that weave narratives of resilience, friendship, and the bittersweet nature of life. Your story of your friend with MD and the moments you shared together paints a vivid picture of the complexities and beauty of human connections. While it is deeply saddening to know that your friend's life was cut short by a debilitating condition, the memories you hold dear serve as a testament to the power of camaraderie and the enduring spirit of those who face adversity with grace. From the outset, your decision to attend public school with your friend, despite the challenges he faced due to his condition, speaks volumes about your character. In a world often quick to segregate and label, you chose to embrace inclusivity and forge a friendship that transcended boundaries. Your willingness to look beyond the limitations imposed by MD and see the person within is a reflection of true empathy and understanding. As you progressed from school to college, your friendship continued to flourish, further solidifying the bond you shared. The fact that you spent time with him and his friend group is a testament to the acceptance and belonging you fostered within your circle. It is evident that you valued his presence and sought to create opportunities for him to feel included and appreciated. The memories you recount, filled with laughter, shared experiences, and moments of camaraderie, are a poignant reminder of the richness that can be found in human connections. Despite the challenges your friend faced, he was able to find joy and companionship, thanks in no small part to your unwavering support and friendship. However, the bittersweet nature of your story lies in the realization that your friend's life was cut short, leaving an irreplaceable void in your life and the lives of those who knew him. The knowledge that he spent half of his life confined to a wheelchair adds a layer of poignancy to your narrative, highlighting the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. In the face of such adversity, it is natural to feel a sense of longing, wishing that your friend could have experienced even more of life's wonders. The desire to provide him with as many opportunities as possible during his short time on earth is a reflection of the depth of your care and compassion. Your story serves as a reminder that life is indeed precious and that we should strive to make the most of every day. It reminds us of the importance of reaching out to those who may be struggling and offering them our friendship and support. And it highlights the enduring power of human connection, which can transcend boundaries, challenges, and even the inevitability of death. In the grand scheme of things, the memories you hold dear, the laughter you shared, and the bond you forged with your friend are a testament to the beauty of life itself. They are a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can shine brightly, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to know and love him.