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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I know what you mean, it's tough to deal with but you don't throw up your hands and do nothing. Which is what has been done with lyme, govt and the medical community denies it exists because they know it'd be tough to deal with, but the solution is to kill ticks with pesticides, kill deer that spread them, give instructions to doctors to administer antibiotics soon as someone has a tick bite, spread information about it so people know how dangerous ticks are. I have been sitting back and watching the response to covid and wishing lyme was taken as seriously, at least half of america and all of the medical community takes covid seriously unlike like the bipartisan agreement to coverup lyme. With that part of it is because lyme was created as a bioweapon in a lab in Lyme Connecticut, so the govt wants to deny it exists because they'd be sued for letting it out. Kind of like how covid was created in China. The govt of china denies that and covered it up and our govt has ties with china so also doesn't want to look into that and would rather act like it's source doesn't matter because if we blame china it's racism. With covid, doing a lockdown forever won't work of course, we need a vaccine, not sure if that will work or be effective though. Will enough people take it, will it really be 95% effective like they say it will? I do think another reason covid was taken so seriously is it was seen as a good way to make trump look bad, and it still is because trump is fighting the election and he still may be able to be president with the supreme court's help, so dems and the deep state might want to use corona to keep ruining Trump's next 4 years. I think it is a real thing tho, which won't kill you. But the thing about viruses unlike a disease like Lyme is you definitely can never cure them, antibiotics do nothing, it will just sit in your body for life and your immune system will always be taxed. Viruses are actually why we die of old age, eventually you get too many and your immune system gives out. That's nevitable but if you'd like to live as long as possible it's best to get as few viruses as possible. HIV and Herpes are like that too, viruses where you don't die right away but you die earlier than you would otherwise, like at age 65 instead of 85. You may now as a young man thing that doesn't matter but at the end of your life you will have regrets.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    that is same as doing nothing

    for things like this it does require action from the govt from top down

    rugged individualism is pushed by the rich to make us easier to control. They do organize together in their secret societies, boards, corporations, have politicians in their back pocket etc.

    You're a shill and want us to do nothing so we're easier to control.