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[–]Site_rly_sux 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The article is bullshit, here is the actual presentation

Very fascinating but not at all aligned with the article.

Around 44:00 he talks about the amount of investment in this sector which is taking place outside of the west - in China, russia, Iran. He talks about Havana syndrome and China's bio-behavioral databases.

This is not a presentation which glorified these types of weapons.

Around 46:00 he says something which blew my mind. Apparently the FBI take a very great interest in America's biohacker communities because they're worried that America's enemies could infiltrate hostile products into the biohackers. Biocops!

All in all very interesting but not at all how this article presents it.

He talks about how the European teams he worked with - it's forbidden in the EU to use these technologies in weaponry. That's not mentioned in this article. He talks about the ethical considerations and various approaches to minimise harm. Not in the article either.

This subject deserves a proper summary and this article isn't it