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[–]BravoVictor 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

Oh god, not one of these trash websites.

No. Lovelance didn't invent the algorithm. That's existed as long as math has existed. She was just one of the first to apply it to computers, and even then, she arguably wasn't even the first, and didn't do much with it, since computers were extremely primitive in her time.

This site website is right up there with "magic black man invents the peanut" propaganda horseshit.

You want women to get into computers? Good for you. Lying and exaggerating women's involvement in computers isn't going to help accomplish that.

[–]Vulptex 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Women aren't going to innovate for as long as we don't expect them to earn their respect and bring home the bacon. Giving them equal pay for less hours and dedication isn't doing favors either. In caveman times men did EVERYTHING while the women just sat around masturbating to them. Sadly men are still not endowed with anywhere near the intelligence capacity of women, even though they're the ones who have to use it. Life is a truly sick game, even the whole fundamental nature and order of this universe is Satanic: "might is right". And life's sole purpose is sex, and we are evil and rotten to the core, and 99% of everything in this world is bad. And make sure you enter the light when you die, because it definitely leads to heaven and not back here again and don't pay attention to what Jesus said heaven is, it's a literal city in the clouds after you enter the light tunnel which is totally not a trap. Also, archons, demons, Satan, and evil don't exist, everything is a grand plan and working together for good in the end, and everyone is good at heart! Don't think for yourself and don't try to remember anything! Don't ask questions and always blindly follow authority and society's narrative! You are nothing but a cog in the collective! Life is beautiful and you love it and want it to last forever and will keep coming back for more forever! War is peace! Freedom is slavery! Ignorance is strength! OBEY!