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[–]StillLessons 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The scariest part about this is that dictionaries are now being re-written to agree with what this professor has said.

Example (written by someone who clearly agrees with above professor) in Dictionary . com:

Also called in·sti·tu·tion·al rac·ism [in-sti-too-shuh-nl rey-siz-uhm, -tyoo-], struc·tur·al rac·ism [struhk-cher-uhl rey-siz-uhm], sys·tem·ic rac·ism [si-stem-ik rey-siz-uhm] . a policy, system of government, etc., that is associated with or originated in such a doctrine, and that favors members of the dominant racial or ethnic group, or has a neutral effect on their life experiences, while discriminating against or harming members of other groups, ultimately serving to preserve the social status, economic advantage, or political power of the dominant group.

What's particularly insidious about this kind of "definition" is that it leaves the writer wiggle room, because even within the "definition" itself are vague terms such as "dominant group". The dominant group is whoever the writer chooses it to be given what is useful politically at the time.

We are rapidly losing any objective truth in our academic disciplines, which - sadly - is precisely the aim of those engaged in this re-writing of history.