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[–]BobOki 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Imagine my shock when the ENTIRE Biden presidency has done literally nothing about the border, when that was Kamala's only actual job, and now that elections are coming, suddenly all that shit Biden lied about and did not due is coming home to roost.

Imagine my second shock when I saw their idea to secure the borders, is to close the borders if 5000 illegals cross a day.... like they cross at the border stops? The fucking border is NOT covered already due to the size and underground tunnels.... and this fucking moron wants to say what, "The border is closed today, all you people breaking the law to get in the country, well it's going to be your breaking the law to get into the country." and normal people with an IQ over 80 are wondering how this would in ANY way help this situation. Then, they cannot even do that and instead just want to try and put people in jail for... bell political reasons. If you are going to act like the Third Reich democrats, at least stop trying to call everyone else one.