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[–]SoCo 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Some highlights from this money grab bill that doesn't fix the problem...

It is scary Orwellian garbage bill that mainly asks for tons and tons of money to do everything but fix the problem. And that is at a brief glance, from the press-cut of the bill, who's actual text is likely an even worse train wreck, which doesn't at all fix the border problem.

  • It starts small with giving $1B a year for 4 years, of US taxpayer money to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, to "reduce the epidemic corruption, violence, and poverty that causes people to flee their home Country." This is purported "the root cause of migration", the need keep everyone in the world happy, using US taxpayer's money. (Maybe the migrants left their home counties, after being fed up that were giving all their tax money away.)
  • It close to double's the amount of "Diversity Visas".
  • It also increases the cap on several other types of Visas.
  • It throws tons of money at democrat states and private organizations, and non profits, to integrate these people into our society. This will be a mad-cash grab of fraud and corruption, like the Covid cash-gives.
  • It expands H-1B visa, the Democrat pet-policy they couldn't pass democratically, which they shut down the US Government for a year and a half over.
  • It gives DHS the authority to "adjust green cards based on macroeconomic conditions (ie manipulate the economy by threatening to open the illegal immigrant flood gate).
  • It protects illegal aliens from being reported by their employers.
  • It puts school, daycare, and other money aside for illegal immigrants, from taxpayer money.

  • It limits presidential authority to issue bans on entry. This is sneaked in with prohibiting discrimination based on religion, such as how the bipartisan bill signed by Obama, which removed the Visa waiver benefit from many mostly-Muslim "countries of concern". The Obama bill was flawed and never established how these people would get Visas, now that they required them, which effectively banned all these Muslims, during the height of War On Terror hysteria. When trump ordered a quick setup of Visa offices and document systems needed to verify Visa signup identities, the media attacked the effort and deemed it racist.

  • It plans the search of every boat, car, pane, and person crossing the border, likely in either direction....purportedly, this mass, Constitution-less, presumptive search and seizure is just to look for drugs.

  • It authorizes the DHS Inspector General to enforce a removal of "any technology" to purportedly to protect privacy, but likely prevent the news from getting their hands on video showing how bad the border disaster is.

  • It directs the Gov Accountability Offices to study the impact DHS's authority to waive environmental and state federal laws, for the purpose of building more roads so crossing the border illegally will be easier and less people will die doing it.

  • It throws money at improving the conditions for illegal criminal border crossers in CBP custody.

[–]no_u[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thanks for these details. The problem will never be fixed. But I can see some of the logic of some of these approaches, to reduce illegal immigrants. I think all illgal immigrants must be deported, without question, so I agree with some of your points. I might annoy you if I mention some of the points I agree with in the bill, and how they would reduce illegal immigration, but here goes:

1) $4B to countries from where migrants are fleeing. This is a very good plan. Other countries have done it, as has the US, as the usual kind of economic aid. It's cheap and money well spent (considering the costs of coping with illegal immigrants in the US).

2) I agree that it's a bad idea to increase the number of visas. The bipartisan congreee committee are nonetheless beholden to their rich donors who often gain significantly from this kind of cheap labor.

3) I don't see anything in the bill that "throws tons of money at democrat states". One reason a bipartisan bill like this can pass is because of support for ALL states that need funding to deal with the migrant problem. You can call this pork, but it's also realistic. States need that support.

4) H-1B visa increases are lobbied for by big businesses who want cheap labor. It's mainly for Indians - something like 15 million of them in the past 50 years - and is not needed for the southern border. That said, 100k+ illegal Indian migrants have entered the US in recent years. Those aren't the ones H-1B visas are for, traditionally. The motivation for this increase in visas is BIPARTISAN, not just with Democrats. I'm very much against it, as we need to spend money in the US on training our OWN IT professionals.

5) I agree that there should be no adjustments to green cards, though perhaps this is related to the slowness of the system, which is overwhelmed. I read that change as a way of dealing with the massive backlog of green card processes. That's legal immigration that's already in process. Not really an illegal immigration issue.

6) Employers blackmail their illegal immigrant employees by making them work long hours at low wages, threatening to report them if they don't work those long hours. The legislation should IMPRISON employers who hire illegal immigrants, which would solve part of the problem. Protecting the illegal immigrant from this blackmail is perhaps the humanitarian thing to do. But this presupposes that the employer will not be prosecuted, which is the main problem, IMO.

7) I agree that taxpayers should not pay give illegal immigrants welfare money. It's an international humanitarian requirement, but it also encourages illegal migration, at a time when many of us citizens are living in cars.

8) I think the president should not have the authority to micromanage the DHS (& CBP), though the Executive Branch governs the DHS and that banning certain ethnicities is wrong.

9) Searching every inch of everything that crosses the border is GREAT. We need more of it. I think it's already part of the law, and if not, it should be.

10) Removal of any technology is merely approval to search phones and computers. This is also currently in their remit, I think. It's a horrible practice, but can be informative.

11) The Government Accountability Office does MUCH MORE than what you note. It's very important to have oversight for the DHS.

12) I'm not seeing in the bill signifcantly improved conditions for illegal immigrants, so perhaps the issue is assuring the usual humanitarian treatment a country is expected to provide. This would naturally be part of a budget bill that increases the size and capabilities of the CBP.

[–]SoCo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I can understand that, I think they are all half-agreeable. But I worry that makes them perfect for baiting votes, but purposely not doing anything, while blaming their opponents. I think they all seem good at a glance, but if you dig deeper or watch for long enough, they seem less and less so.

It's the "lets not build a fence/wall, but instead, we should fix the system!"

...that may have been do-able 20 years ago or more, but now we have a huge crisis and it is time to stop the crises, before talking of long-term soft-touch systematic fixes. Democrats' have massively overplayed this same tired political trick of a fake virtue a signalling position an unrealistic long term fix, to counter a practical and immediate fix by their opponents. It's just the logical fallacy of totality: "we aren't doing nothing, unless we fix the entire system!"...30 years later, they are still saying the same and blocking fixing the problem at all.

I think giving money to help the South American countries, which we have spend decades systematically looting, overthrowing their democracy, installing dictators, and destabilizing their government and economies....might have helped 20+ year ago. Yet, at this point, I don't think corruption and destabilization of countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras are still the cause of this migration.

Instead, I think we've created a world-wide mass immigration, by destroyed the world economy (by destroying our own currency), destabilized worldwide food trade, and crushed the world energy market, just within just the last 3 years, with our proxy war against Russia using the dictator we installed in Ukrainian after overthrowing their democracy.

Many have been saying form quite a few years, that the purported climate change will cause mass worldwide migration. Right or wrong, it seems the disruption we caused with Ukraine and Russia may be a 100 fold faster and more effective than slow long term possible climate changes.

I don't know what the right number of visas is, but I am concerned that a country of this side would need to import skilled talent. Something is very very wrong with that. What happened to our own workforce? But I do agree that not holding employers criminally responsible for their funding of immigration deaths, by hiring illegal immigrants, is a large fundamental cause of the immigration problem in the US. Something is very strange about never holding them responsible.

I think the banning of Presidential involvement in protecting the borders and expansion of unchecked authority by these shifty corrupt and oversight-less DHS and other three letter agencies, is extremely danger on both parts. At least when Obama banned Muslims, he did it with the bipartisan support of Congress. It is a massive increase of unchecked centralized power. The government inside the government is the intelligence community. This is the un-elected government really in charge of our country and are manipulating it fully. Democracy died in the Early Obama days when he installed a cabal of intelligence into every branch of the DOJ, FBI, DHS, etc. They've been blackmailing, jailing, and censoring journalists, news stations, and communication platforms ever since. Unfortunately, these organizations were already largely infiltrated nationwide by foreign intelligence even before 9/11. Foreign countries control damn near every critical infrastructure in our country, through non-profit entities, which we foolishly (or maliciously) gave the keys to our whole country.

I don't think expanding Fourth Amendment violating searching at the boarder is good for anything. We can't catch things coming in our country now, in shipping ports, on planes, at the boarders, or even in the mail. Throwing cash at border agencies which are currently tearing down barbed wire and helping illegal aliens in the country, won't be able to catch anything either. They do explain that they need more money for bridges, so the illegal aliens can come in easier and safer, so we've got that to look forward to.

They specifically say the removal of technology is to protect privacy. That leaves us only to speculate, but this gives illegal aliens much more privacy protection that our citizens, who have their license plates and faces scanned daily without consent, in the massively abusive industry of data theft.

I'm not seeing anything really beneficial, but just another huge spending for a non-fix, with lots of room for embezzlement, misuse, and funding the continued efforts to increase of illegal immigration....but every year it seems my pessimism about this country's leadership grows. I've likely become a full out cynic by now, then clicking Cloudflare check-boxes for an hour perturbed me even more.