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[–]bootylicious 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why focus on Biden? Have you ever played chess? Even a pawn can be very important in the game. There are numerous candidates to consider, many of whom need donations and other forms of support, and some of whom are arguably worthy for the job as politician. Step 1: elect new people and get the old ones out. Biden will be the only option if Trump or DeSantis are nominated - its that simple. You can predict now that the DNC will nominate Biden. So, move on, look at other candidates. Work with what's available. Help with the strataegy for your favorite candidates. Because you're in a blue state, your options are of course limited, but I'd argue that you have good Dems to choose from. Replace Pelosi, already, ffs. Discuss this stuff. the 'Democracy bad' argument id dumbing down the discourse. No, we are not powerless. No, voting for a good candidate is not boot licking. Focusing on who will be president is stupid. Focus on congress. They've been the dangerous ones. They corrupted the Supreme Court. They gave themselves and their friends massive handouts while cutting services. They're the ones threatening to cut school lunches for poor kids. They want to use YOUR Social Security money for their tax breaks. They want to kill healthcare, women's rights, education, democracy, minimum wage, worker's rights, unions, the environment, etc, etc. Don't support those assholes. Elect new, more competent assholes. NO, elections are not like a toy steering wheel for babies. Seriously