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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Caitlin Johnstone's sub-stack is well thought out and well written. In this article she seems to miss explaining the essences of the "dichotomies" people's or sheeple's minds are caught up within. How to explain the depths of a mind virus she labels dichotomies? How can one recognize a false dichotomy being argued, over any issue we the people/sheeple watch those in power place into action? Placed into action by mental manipulation injecting false virus dichotomies, example of a false dichotomy being "Level of wokeness" being placed insidiously inside human minds, infecting them. A mental virus distracting one's mind, by emotional knee-jerking content of that, which is most important to criticize.

Saidit posts are riddled with these types of post, these mental viruses distracting each other...not so much from what is most important. Distracting all of us from finding out at the core of all issues Caitlin writes about, are humans.

Oh, what a can of worms the word "human". How many of you Saiditors separate out all humans into groups creating maybe one of the greatest elitist dichotomies ever invented, only one little four letter word separates all humanity into little dichotomies separating all of us, race.

Pfizer tells you to jab yourself with their antivirus vaccine. How about inventing a mind vaccine to wipe out all those Caitlin Johnston dichotomies distracting the minds of the people/sheeple?

The memetic lexicon has a mind antivirus word for you to mentally consume and with self determination protect yourself from these "dichotomies".

vaccime (pron. vak-seem) Any meta-meme which confers resistance or immunity to one or more memes, allowing that person to be exposed without acquiring an active infection. Also called an `immuno-meme.' Common immune-conferring memes are "Faith", "Loyalty", "Skepticism", and "tolerance". (See: meme-allergy.) (GMG.) Every scheme includes a vaccime to protect against rival memes. For instance:

Conservatism: automatically resist all new memes. Orthodoxy: automatically reject all new memes. Science: test new memes for theoretical consistency and(where applicable) empirical repeatability; continually re-assess old memes; accept schemes only conditionally, pending future re:-assessment. Radicalism: embrace one new scheme, reject all others. Nihilism: reject all schemes, new and old. New Age: accept all esthetically-appealing memes, new and old, regardless of empirical (or even internal) consistency; reject others. (Note that this one doesn't provide much protection.) Japanese: adapt (parts of) new schemes to the old ones.

Try this word on for size:

Tolerance A meta-meme which confers resistance to a wide variety of memes (and their sociotypes), without conferring meme-allergies. In its purest form, Tolerance allows its host to be repeatedly exposed to rival memes, even intolerant rivals, without active infection or meme-allergic reaction. Tolerance is a central co-meme in a wide variety of schemes, particularly "liberalism", and "democracy". Without it, a scheme will often become exo-toxic and confer meme-allergies on its hosts. Since schemes compete for finite belief-space, tolerance is not necessarily a virtue, but it has co-evolved in the ideosphere in much the same way as co-operation has evolved in biological ecosystems. (Henson.)

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