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[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

Putin wants to be remembered. That is his personal interest in my personal simulation in this game of chess.

And since there was no westernising but actually facismising of many countries in eastern Europe south of St. Petersburg proudly sponsored and supported by US-deep-state asshats (as usual)


the fact that the Western allies let Russia bleed over 27 million souls in Barbarossa instead of searching their microballs and finally opening a western front against Hitler (which they helped to put into power in the first place) earlier,

i totally can follow his reasoning. Eventhough i don't support these kind of wars at all.

Plus the fact that he stayed authentic since 2001 when he offered EU a big diplomatic olive branch to actually reinvent EU-Russian relations.

But these asshat rather chose to crawl up into the US-bobblehead-in-commands ass. Again and again.

[–]Site_sux 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

But wait. If you really believe the west put Hitler into power (which i disagree) then how do you know they put the "bad" Hitler in power? If the 2001 Putin was a "good" Putin and he only turned bad later, then how come there wasn't a "good" Hitler who later went bad? Wouldn't the west be blameless for installing a "good" Hitler? Or could it be that the EU were right in 2001 to rebuff the "bad" Putin?

Also what is facisming? You mean Marine Le Pen who Putin supported? Or do you mean AFD who Putin supported? Or do you mean Aaron banks who Putin supported? Perhaps you mean the right wing mobs who attacked us capitol Jan 6th, who Putin supported? Perhaps you mean the Italian lega party who Putin supported? Perhaps you mean the Austrian Freedom Party which Putin supported?

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

One thing at a time:

Hitler was "put" into power by a lot of old German monarchists and a "shadow" army put together politically by Ludendorff (his "sugardaddy", so to say) and military led by Guderian for most parts. This already happened in the roaring twenties. And after their coup d'etat in 1923 failed they put together the visible NSDAP and the less visible SA (whose "leader" was mossaded by the later SS then because he was gay and disagreed on some aspects of their planned "legal" power-grab) and the almost invisible "Freikorps" mostly led by Guderian who also developed completely "new" military tactics while doing this. But even after 1933 Germany essentially was bankrupt. So they asked their fascists friends in Gods own hellhole overseas (like Ford) for money and the Russians led by Stalin for ressources. Mostly steel. Which they bought partly with counterfeit foreign money. Many US-fascist-leaning industrialists supported the Nazis. Otherwise there simply couldn't have been a rearmament of the Wehrmacht with Versaille treaty reparations and growing German diplomatic isolation in the 30ies.

With Putin this is another cup of tea, at least in size:

How big do you suppose the US-deep-state pockets actually are ?

Correct: Almost endless. Because in 9/11 they destroyed the last remaining hardcopy evidence with the tomahawk they launched into the Pentagon.

So either they jingle around some drug tonnage around the world or they "just" print new money.

If Putin wants to hoard foreign currency he has to sell natural ressources.That actually is what most of his friends have their ill-gotten-gains from. Because he can't print money like US-FED-chief-ticks can without flushing the Russian economy down the toilet.

We're talking completely different dimensions in money for squeezing political power on foreign ground.

So he switched terrority and level of this very old conflict into something that he at least has a realistic chance of keeping his ground. As long as the Chinese keep buying his ressources.

[–]Site_sux 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

We're talking completely different dimensions in money for squeezing political power on foreign ground.

Ok but you were complaining about fascists in the west. If you're mad about fascists in the west, there's a cancer-ridden loser befuddled oligarchic klepticon in Russia you can blame

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Fascist in the "west" (more on the whole fucking globe again and again) that were installed by US-deep state mostly.

Just because you don't want to listen doesn't imply i'm gonna stop hitting your forehead hiding the vacuum between your medulla and parietal lobe with the truth again and again.

Don't force me to pull out my brass knuckles. Because i don't care for the sound on your end when it finally cracks.

[–]Site_sux 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Ok but I actually gave a number of examples of fascists promoted by Russia - but you said that Russia's actions are justified by the presence of fascists abroad.

Now you're saying it's only bad when America installs a right winger. Isn't it also bad when Russia does it? Like, if you were actually annoyed at superpower promoting the far-right in attempts to destabilise, if that was truly something which bothered you, wouldn't you be concerned with Aaron Banks and la Lega and Marine Le Pen and Austria freedom party? Isn't Putin a fucking massive problem for the world by promoting fascism in the west?

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I didn't justify anything. And i never will except myself to myself and even then i'll do it in a way, that even most of my close people can't realize it. In no simulation you can possibly fantasize there actually can be a justification that follows my very strict ruleset and algorithms on how to handle logical paradoxical conclusions like waging war on foreign territory.

Even philosphically and regarding physics and boring standard energy concepts waging war is platinum-grade bullshit.

But i recognize patterns very well.

When there is a pendulum swinging on an axis between fascims and communisms in the most wide yet still applicable sense, it definitely a pattern that US-deep-state installs fascists regimes to secure "their" access to critical ressources.

Most political influence that is squeezed in Europe that is propagated to be fascist "sponsored" by Russia i regard as false-flag card games. And playing these kind of card games is a behavioral pattern that US-deep-state and the fucking mossad are notoriously infamous for.

European fascists in parliaments wherever mostly are deceptions or fog candles, so to say, in my simulation. If these asshats actually knew what they are doing, France e.g. would have "fallen" a long time ago.