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[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

/u/AnarchySpeech and Libertardians havn't read the charter documents or the books. They are as ignorant as a rich elitist telling you the US isn't a corporation for his own for-profit grifting.

Captain Slappy states:

"Did you ever ponder this is why the "Constitution" hasn't applied, except when the corporation says so...since the beginning? After all, the "Annapolis Committee & Societal Corporation" did say, a "Constitution OF the Federal" and NOT a "Constitution FOR"..."

"If the "Constitution" really DID apply...couldn't you just stand on a street corner, yelling craftily copied quotes from it, and the magic ghosts of the "Founders" would appear to give you gold and silver? Wouldn't those mean old banks stop? Wouldn't "voting" get fixed?...."

"Or was it because it was never the law...FOR THEM. But always was...for Members...and their Employees."

"As far as "Sovereignty" goes, with the State and local franchises, they are about as "sovereign" as a CORPORATION that is fictional can be...until Daddy says different, and that was taken care of LONG before your great-great-great-great grandpappy was done crapping his nappies."

"It is very simple, if somebody else ("Federal" corporation) signs you up into their corporation (United States) because you lost the cease to exist as "sovereign"."

"Doubly so...when you do so "internationally". After all, that State corporation SUBMITTED (applied) to be an INFERIOR member of a MORE POWERFUL corporation (by force, Comrade), who is a member of a more, more powerful corporation, and throughout both, infesting and permeating every pore, nook, cranny and crevice...."

"Private Societal Companies, with MANY hired hands. Independence indeed."

"That can skip all that kooky "Constitution" stuff. They are FAR removed from it, and have been since 1861. And 1871. And 1915. And 1933. And....and...and..over and over."

"Just think, this is what they are puking up on a platter to your military."

But Zionist owned wikipedia tells us that Chisholm v. Georgia 1793 was overturned... it doesn't... or that the United States corporation doesn't exist, therefore...

New York LLC doesn't exist...


...the Governor of NYLLC doesn't exist

....therefore the Electoral College doesn't exist...

^ ^ ^ US is a corporation.

[–]AnarchySpeach 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

and Libertardians havn't read the charter documents or the books. They are as ignorant as a rich elitist telling you the US isn't a corporation for his own for-profit grifting.

Government ≠ Corporation.

Your opinion on what a definition should be doesn't actually change the definition of it.

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Wrong, Congress incorporated. Literally every founder and all the charter documemts and every corporate lawyer knows that the US is a corporation and congress are i corporated members hence good old Ron Paul congressmen getting traded on the D and B database.

[–]AnarchySpeach 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

If the government is a corporation, then don't you think its existence would prove its legality? The laws surrounding it are controlled by itself, so its impossible (except under extreme circumstances, like "Nixon" circumstances") to charge itself with a crime.

This concept isn't USA exclusive, either: The Queen of England could walk down the street stabbing people and can't be charged with a crime. Because the legal authority to charge her would be herself, which she might not want to do if she's gone crazy.

[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I literally proved the government is INCORPORATED UNDER US CORP. So, do you want me to provide you with more photos of charter documents, something you cannot even find on google searches for obvious reasons. I can provide more info if need be.

All corporations are imaginary, yes, they are fictional PERSONS but they exist in legalese and are used in the lawyerly land of the jungle or game theory.

The laws are in company rules. That is why citizenship is voluntary... that is why paying taxes is voluntary... but good luck renoucning every tactic contract you might have made with US corp., because they'll always get you with the soverign citizen oxymoron because of these contracts. It's a very hard life without such privilages and the Fire Department might not put out the fire at your house because you are not contracting with US corp. Actually, I remember reading an article about this, I'll try to find it.

The laws surrounding it are controlled by itself, so its impossible (except under extreme circumstances, like "Nixon" circumstances") to charge itself with a crime.

It should be but leave it up to grifters, the money power and greedy scumbags to destroy something that could have worked far better than it does today.

This concept isn't USA exclusive, either: The Queen of England could walk down the street stabbing people and can't be charged with a crime.

Bolshevik Russia was a corporation. Russia company, a corporation. Israel, is a limited liability corporation...

Because the legal authority to charge her would be herself, which she might not want to do if she's gone crazy.

I didn't think fiction imaginary corporations could talk? It's the members therein that mae the corporation run, either for their own for-profit endeavors or for the common good.