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[–]blah-blah-blah-blah 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It's hard enough to get shit done when you have all the government on your side, like Obama did in his first term. He accomplished jack.

Trump has virtually everyone in government against him, before he's even elected. The outgoing President conspires with the FBI against him, his political opponent pays Russians to create kompromat which is used to try to make him look like a pawn of a foreign nation, the media that once adored him now calls him OrangeRacistHitlerSatan, EVERY FUCKING SHOW ON LATENIGHT TELEVISION bases their entire show from start to finish on bagging him and his voters. The Swamp have spent the last 4 years lying about him, obstructing him, attempting to remove him from from office using every tool they can come up with short of assassination. It's a never-ending Shit parade of leftist skullduggery.

Meanwhile, he's been getting stuff done. Things that previous Presidents said were impossible, like getting the economy taking off, getting people employed, making deals in the middle-east, breaking bad deals with our rivals and opponents, keeping legal and illegal immigration down to a trickle rather than a tsunami of third-world welfare dependents.

I'm pissed at the Left for their evil obstruction and traitorous collusion with our enemies, but I'm voting for Trump because he gets shit done that matters.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Obama didn't get shit done either because nobody would work with him. He did at least try though, haven't seen a healthcare bill from Trump although the caps on prescription meds are a good start, I have a feeling he did that because his polls were low.

I'm pissed at the Left for their evil obstruction and traitorous collusion

They didn't start it. I always figured it was partly racism why Obama couldn't get anything done.

making deals in the middle-east

I just read the peace deal he made fell through. I don't really follow the happenings there.