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[–]Jesus 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (5 children)

Because anyone with two brain-cells to rub together can see that Trump the ZioCon is NOT anti-war. He continues to fund the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, the destruction of their homes via illegal settlements: how would you feel if a soldier came to your home and said "this is our land now and we are going to destroy your garden and bulldoze your home because we can...", he also has increased military spending and arms trafficking into nearly the trillions. Drone bombing illegally in sovereign nations is still happening, proxy funding of terrorists and arms trafficking to Saudi Arabia costing the lives of tens of thousands or the bombing of weddings, still happened and is happening.

The only country left is Iran and they know intervention could be disastrous for Europe, Israel and the US, so they are taking it slow and using asymmetrical warfare.


Trump, our Shabbos goy:

[–]horatioherbert 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Use your two brain cells and tell me which country he has expanded the presence of US troops into?

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

You are not thinking geopolitically. You completely ignored everything I said. His ZioCon friends are only after Iran, which would be an absolute travesty if they intervened militarily. A pretext is needed, and only when Iran is weakened by proxy which takes time. If Trump had been president on 9/11, he would of been on the side of the ZioCons and PNACERS who he is great friends with. But environments change. Asymmetrical warfare and proxy wars are the future. Syria has been balkenized, though arms continue to flow there via Turkey. Trump continues to aid in the ethnic cleansing and bulldozing of Palestinian homes. Trump has continued to provide the Saudis with billions of dollars in arms which are then used to destroy lives in Yemen.

[–]horatioherbert 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Looking the other way while another country bulldozes innocent civilians’ homes is not the same and you know it. You can claim guilt by association, there is some merit to it. Tell me now about that country or nation that never tolerated such behavior?

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

He isn't looking the other way, he is funding the Likudniks. Jared even slept in the same room as a child with Netanyahu.

Trump’s Drone Kill Rate 80 Times Greater than Under Bush

It took Trump only seven months to surpass the number of civilian deaths in foreign nations that occurred during Obama’s entire eight-year presidency, according to non-profit monitoring group Airwars by Whitney Webb has been Trump’s dangerous expansion of the drone war that has authoritatively destroyed any illusion that Trump would genuinely put “America first” — and put an end to dangerous military operations abroad that only serve to exacerbate the horrendously bungled War on Terror. For instance, after gutting the already lax regulations on drone strikes and giving the CIA free rein to kill whomever they choose, it took Trump only seven months to surpass the number of civilian deaths that occurred during Obama’s entire eight-year presidency, according to non-profit monitoring group Airwars.

The covert drone war program, first created under George W. Bush, was a key part of the War on Terror [started via the 9/11 pretext orchestrated by the ZioCons, i.e., the neconservatives, Chabadniks and Likudniks] whereby terror suspects could be targeted and killed covertly. However, under his presidency, only 57 strikes were conducted in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, with between 384 and 807 civilians killed. The program was greatly expanded during the Obama administration, which conducted 563 strikes in those same countries. Now, under Trump, drone strikes targeting these countries have skyrocketed.

In 2017, the U.S. bombed Yemen 127 times alone, compared to 32 strikes conducted in 2016. In Pakistan and Somalia, the number of strikes have also increased under Trump. In Somalia, for instance, 34 drone strikes were conducted last year, the same number as all U.S. drone strikes conducted in Somalia from 2001 to 2016.

Trump’s drone assassination rate is now eight times that of Obama. Obama’s, in turn, was 10 times that of Bush, making

Trump’s drone kill rate a whopping 80 times higher than that of Bush. In other words, Trump is on track to be a record-breaking war criminal.

However, the problem is bigger than just the innocent lives claimed as a result of the “covert” drone war. Civilian deaths resulting from U.S. airstrikes in Iraq, Libya and Syria reached between 3,923 to 6,102 last year under Trump. This startling figure marks a massive increase from civilian deaths reported during the Obama administration, which was responsible for between 2,298 to 3,398 civilian deaths during Obama’s eight years in office.

Ninety-eight percent collateral damage

To quote Webb:

U.S. drone strikes kill far more civilians than supposed militants. Shockingly, more than 80 percent of those killed have never even been identified and the CIA’s own documents have shown that they are not even aware of who they are killing — avoiding the issue of reporting civilian deaths simply by naming all those in the strike zone as enemy combatants.

Trump’s dramatic reversal, played out over the first year of his presidency, is not very surprising given that his “anti-war” credentials touted on the campaign trail were falsified. For instance, Trump claimed to have opposed both the invasion of Iraq – resulting in over a million dead – and the invasion of Libya, which has resulted in a failed state now plagued by slavery and terrorism. In fact, however, he supported both of these disastrous invasions, even supporting the deployment of U.S. ground troops in Libya to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power.

The ruse of Trump’s anti-interventionism was painted in disappearing ink along his campaign trail, giving way to a presidency that has no qualms about leaving thousands of innocent civilians dead in its wake. He just wants his ignorant base to think he is anti-war.

U.S. Drone Strikes Have Gone Up 432% Since Trump Took Office

As for the increasing "antisemitism" laws being put into law, we have to ALWAYS remember that the Likudniks and ZioCons are some of, if not, the most anti-Semitic people to ever exist in this world. The Palestinians and Arabs are Semitic people. The people behind this intervention are pro-Israel ZioCons and the MIC and defense and weapons contractors hoping to make a profit off of keeping the war machine going. Why do I bring certain Jews into this? Because they were behind 9/11 and initiating this "Global War on Terror" charade.

I'm a Christian and you’re either a Jew or you’re a christian.

eartthlinggb's wordpress makes this clear:

There is NO SUCH THING as Judeo-christian. It’s a total misnomer but it is one for a very specific purpose.


Obviously, when Islam only came on the scene in 700 A.D., there would have to be a good reason for it otherwise they would just be a people who followed one of the other existing religions! So a new prophet was absolutely necessary BUT they don’t consider Jesus as a blasphemer and a false prophet (as do the jews), so what you don’t understand is beyond me!

ISLAM, like Christianity, does not believe in USURY! Judaism does! What the hell does it take to get these simple facts through your goddamned head and the penny to drop?

End Quote

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Trump is totally anti-war /s