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[–]AsInBeer 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The book Stealth War How China Took Over While The American Elites Slept (just released) details how everyone was making money exporting American jobs and technology to China, I am sure you are aware of this but there's a larger point to be teased out here.

You would assume that at some point the greedheads of Wall Street and the university system the American military itself would survey how the goal of getting China to be more like a normal nation by giving them MFN status ( a policy largely due to Kissinger ) was faring. But they never did, because they were ALL making too much money shorting Americans and America.

What this means is, actually, the people in the Pentagon and the larger national security apparatus are literal idiots who can't be trusted with the most basic task we entrust to them- maintaining American military supremacy.

But these are "the best and the brightest" we have; these are the people whom our system produces to protect us, lead us, know more than the average Joe about all manner of things.

And they all failed - and failed to the point where the failure could be mortal.

So the reason I tease this out is so you have certainity that our institutions are failing us. The university is 100% corrupt. I mean 100%. Our national security appratus has the wrong incentives and the internal policies by which they conduct themselves do not produce the one thing they must produce- a correct threat assessment. The people who go through the rigoruous journey to occupy the positions at the top of these hierarchies are garbage people, unfit for purpose.

So if Trump decides to dissolve any and all or reformulate any and all of these institutions, then support him. Because the living proof that they are stem to stern failures is now present for all to see.

Obviously, buy American.

Obviously, support thte TOTAL reformation of our universities and our national security apparatus from the ground up. They couldn't have done a worse job and now we all may die because of them.

When you're as frustrated as you are, that's the time to take a step back, collect yourself and try to think of something you can do which will contribute to changing at least 5 minds. It's guaranteed that there are at least five open minds which can be changed out there somewhere. Your job is to change them. Yes, we'd all like to make a bigger effect than that but for most of us, a bigger splash is not available to us. Believe me, multiplying your knowledge to even one other person, your spouse or kid or friend, is a big big contribution to the larger task that needs to be done.

Robert Greene in his book Laws of Human Nature has a section he calls "Finding Your Inner Athena." where he gives a priceless description of how to conduct yourself when crushing adversity is upon you. It's my go-to place because it describes so well how to overcome your anger, find yourself, gather your intelligence and creatvity and will to act and conduct yourself in manner that lets you be effective and win the war.