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[–]MostlyClearSkies 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They're going to run him, then turn the Presidency over to the VP after he's elected on the basis that he's unfit for office.

1) They get to say "look, it wasn't just Trump. We did it to our own President. We're so moral."

2) They get to run a stealth candidate in the form of the VP, whose identity will not put off anyone if they're VP, but would if they were the top of the ticket. So Kamala Harris or some such unelectable radical.

For this to work they are counting on low information voters. Those are:

People who will choose a Democrat no matter what.

People who will choose Biden because of name recognition, familiarity and aren't listening to anything but MSM.

They have to also count on the MSM to not report what they know and try to somehow cancel, not cover or otherwise avoid live debates people might watch. It's going to be tough because the very fabric of Democracy is predicated on the People electing a known quantity and it's exactly this they have to avoid.

They may also just try to steal him into office using vote-by-mail schemes and vote-by-proxy schemes both of which states like California are a proving grounds for.