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[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, i didn't say there weren't a lot of progressives in America's general population. I'm talking about the DNC, the mainstream media and the people who might be pulling the strings of the DNC and mainstream media. Look how hard the mainstream media tried to feed people the story of "the moderate vote is split up between buttigeig, klobuchar and biden... the moderates combined beat the progressives combined" even though the polls showed that people don't vote that way. So the MSM carefully laid the groundwork with that narrative and now it's DNC's turn to make their play. Boom, Klobuchar and Buttigieg out and everybody who the DNC can get their hands on coming out with an endorsement for Biden. Perfectly set up so that people wouldn't be able to question how suddenly Biden started performing DRASTICALLY better. Not only did the polls show that people don't vote that way, but also... it's Biden. It's scarier to me to think that the primaries weren't rigged and americans were actually stupid enough to vote for the senile pedophile with such high numbers.

When it comes to the mainstream media and democrats who actually have power there's a lot of fake progressivism and this whole ordeal helped put that on full display.