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[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Covid-19 is not a Pandemic... it's a "syndemic" || The "securitization" Nexus

From the Club of Rome’s book: “The First Global Revolution”

“Ah love! Could thou and I with fate conspire, to grasp this sorry scheme of things entire, would not we shatter it to bits and then, remold it nearer to the heart’s desire?” — Edward Fitzgerald, 'The Rutalyat of Omar Khayyam'

The entire ethos is written in the book to “Limits to Growth” called “The First Global Revolution. In the pages before even the foreword, they quote the aforementioned verse from “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam”

The NEXUS: A Full Explanation of the Construction of COVID

What we are experiencing, today, is the shattering of the ‘existing scheme’ as wished for by the Prince, while the ‘remoulding’ is sold to us in the slogan, "BUILD BACK BETTER” Also in the same book, the Prince’s father – the Greek Prince who wished to return as a deadly virus no less – is quoted:

“No generation has ever liked its prophets, least of all those who point out the consequences of bad judgment and lack of foresight. The Club of Rome can take pride in the fact that it has been unpopular for the last twenty years. I hope it will continue for many years to come to spell out the unpalatable facts and to unsettle the conscience of the smug and the apathetic.” — Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Message to the Twentieth Anniversary Conference of The Club of Rome Paris 1988

Now, the reader must also recognise the “coincidence” that the present Prince of Wales commenced his environmental crusade the very same year as the formation of the Club of Rome – 1968.

There are no ‘coincidences’! Anyhow, to progress: I read, last year, the Lancet’s Chief Editor, Richard Horton, making the point that “Covid 19 is not a pandemic”, in which, he states that no vaccine will help. And I will repeat this link, see here, READ IT:

He goes on to say that it is a “syndemic”. Read the link to understand what he means by that.

While many will never have heard of the term “syndemic” before, as you can see below, the idea was suggested, in 2013, that we may well see such in the near future. Now why would they think this? Well, it’s very simple. The “Climate Change” narrative of polar bears and ice caps along with sea level changes was not capturing the public’s and businesses attention. They needed a ‘shock’ and lo and behold, they got it! How convenient, huh? A little like PNAC in the 90s saying they needed a New Pearl Harbor.

See photo:

Further, the ‘threat’ was consistently having to be put back into later and later decades (it was all meant to manifest during the 2000’s, then it was the 2010’s while now, they are saying 2040/2050’s. Why? Because it never was, or is, coming. It’s fear only and that fear is to get you to believe that they need to entirely destroy the economic, political and social fabric to then “remould it nearer to their heart’s desire." In other words, "Order out of Chaos."

However, due to the failure of the “speech acts” and “securitisation” of the “Climate Change threat” based upon the narrative of polar bears etc, it was imperative they conjured up another, more imminent and dramatic threat which directly impacted all of us and which could be linked to “climate change”. That was (and is) infectious diseases.

See photo:

“Speech Acts and Securitisation”? What the hell are they?

Well, they are TOOLS. While they had to feed you a new narrative for “Climate Change” they also had to protect that narrative from criticism. In normal, every day politics and media, everything is up for debate. However, when something is “securitised” by a “Speech Act”, it’s like a huge padlock has been applied which disallows any counter narrative, debate or criticism or just. plain disbelief to be cited by anyone on the veracity of the fundamental narrative. Yes, you can debate masks and even the need for vaccines and whether kids should be in school etc etc etc etc. That’s all fine and why?

Because you haven’t questioned the fundamental and that is what they need desperately to protect and preserve. They can deal with everything else through steering debate and providing statistics etc BUT if the fundamental was shown to be a lie, they could do none of it.

Let me put this very simply:

  • YOU are an audience.

  • THEY are the Actors.

  • THEY make “Speech Acts” just as an actor does on stage (they ARE on stage, effectively).

  • THEY need you to believe their speech act so they present you with personalities from Chris Whitty to David Attenborough and Bill Gates to Tony Fauci who they know you consider “authoritative” voices.

  • THEY give you Boris Johnson and the “we are at war” narrative both, to scare you and to make you think “we’re all in this together and we all have to chip in old sport”.

  • YOU, however, have to accept the narrative for them to then implement the measures they could never have implemented without the narrative being accepted by the public.

  • THEY, however, ensure you, the public, do not get the full picture nor do you get a balanced view of whether that fundamental narrative is real or not.

  • That is why people who try to speak out are chastised and dismissed or demonised.

  • YOU, therefore, have accepted the narrative and acted accordingly in your compliance with the directives.

“Securitisation Theory” is a subset of International Relations.

See photo:

Securitisation is a well researched, understood and used method of creating a threat out of something which may not be a threat at all. It is not, necessarily, an objective threat but is “socially constructed”. It is socially constructed by the Actor who makes the “speech act” and by the audience who accepts the ‘threat’.

Here’s a VERY simple example of a “speech act”:

You’re 16 and at school in the playground. One of your friends approaches you and whispers in your ear:

“You better deal with Jimmy right now or he’s going to get his mates together and they’re going to beat you up after school.”

That is, essentially a speech act by your friend, an “actor”, and you have to decide whether you believe that narrative he’s telling you, or not. You’re the audience and you are also what is known as the “referent object” which is the object which requires protection from the impact of the “threat” which is Jimmy and his mates.

Now, the reality could be that your friend simply hates Jimmy and knows you have the potential of giving him a good beating and that Jimmy has no intention of beating you up after school with his mates. However, your friend is a “friend” and, as such, you view him as an ‘authoritative voice’ because he wouldn’t tell you a lie, would he?

So you accept his speech act; Jimmy gets a pounding yet he was totally innocent. There was no conspiracy between him and his mates to beat you up.

The above is exactly what has transpired with Covid 19. There is no threat but your “friends”, Bill Gates and Boris and Chris Whitty and Prince Charles etc etc., are all ‘whispering in your ear’ that Covid is going to get you because climate change is having the effect of introducing more and more infectious diseases into our lives UNLESS WE DEAL WITH IT NOW!

To further get a feel for how long this agenda has been worked on, here are a series of articles, the first from Chatham House no less – The Royal Institute of International Affairs (I hope I don’t need to explain who these people are?) dated 1st September 2019.

See photo:

See photo:

Read the entire article here:


Limits to Growth” graph by the Club of Rome/MIT: