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[–]christine_grab 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (9 children)

Is MRA Men's Rights Association? What does MGTOW stand for?

[–]beermeem 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (7 children)

MRA is a derisive term that stands for Men’s Rights Activist. It’s akin to using the term “feminazi.”

MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way. They’re mostly (but not necessarily) InCels (Involuntary Celibates) who decided to become Voluntary Celibates. Many times they’ve simply had (sometimes shockingly) bad experiences in the relationships they have had. Unlike InCels, they’re not violent or hateful but sometimes bitter and frustrated. They take responsibility for their lives and are trying to better themselves by removing themselves from what they view as a hateful, anti-man society.

“MRA” and MGTOW are differentiated in that MRA remain involved in the system (mostly legal battles and some books and protests) to preserve men’s rights to remain a part of their children’s and family’s lives, among other similar issues. MGTOW have literally decided to just opt out or at least that’s what they claim on the internet where the movement largely exists. It’s unknown how many “MGTOW” are either women LARPing as men online or agents of some unknown organization attempting to discourage men from breeding or expressing themselves sexually with their “nofap” (no masturbation) campaigns.

The fact that there is so much intense media hate pointed toward these two disparate groups shows me that they both have very valid points — although I do feel that they are somewhat misguided, personally speaking. But then I feel a lot of people are misguided so that’s nothing new.

[–]christine_grab 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I have to admit, I am completely oblivious to all this stuff. I mean, my dad got custody of me and my sisters in a day and age when men NEVER got custody, and he had to fight really hard for it. But beyond my dad's custody battle, men's rights issues hasn't touched my life.

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but Are InCels just guys that women don't find attractive for some reason (ie physically or personality-wise)?

As for the media hate... welcome to the 21st century. I believe the media's primary job is to keep people divided and they are always finding more ways to box people into groups to hate others/be hated. Because if you focus on hating each other, then you don't focus on the atrocities being committed by TPTB.

[–]beermeem 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

Okay let me date myself and put the Velvet Underground Radio on Pandora before I answer this. Actually, I'm not that old... I'd say it's a combination of an inability to create an attractive image and an overly inflated idea of what one should have.

You may not recall maybe ten years ago there was this huge thing in the media -- women 30+ to 45 who were "very deserving!" of a good man but "just couldn't find The One." It's kinda like that. Just people who think they should get to fuck beautiful rich people by the pool all day because they're so deserving.

I mean, that's the jaded version ;-) But an individual does have to create value for those around them. As much of a crazy capitalist as that makes me sound like. And, yeah, media hate...

[–]christine_grab 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

That makes sense. Yeah, our culture has gotten to be really shallow, and I think that is tied to why in dating people have a big disconnect with expectations vs reality. The reality is that everyone has flaws and the right person for you is someone whose flaws you can live with.

I also think the shallow nature of our culture nowadays is why we have such an explosion in the homeless population. If something happened to my family and we became homeless, we could couch surf for years because we have a big network of people who love us. But we've invested in deep relationships with all of them. Nowadays, people have hundreds of "friends," but they aren't really friends, only shallow acquaintances. Then they have no one deeply invested in to turn to for help in hard times.

[–]JasonCarswell 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

There's /s/mensrights and /s/MGTOW if you're curious, though I don't know if there's much action there.

There's also /s/Incel and /s/Incels. To my knowledge they are like depressed people, and no matter what you say you can't reach them. The want to be bitter and angry about the unfairness life has dealt them. They are not open to new ideas by any means. I think Incels are similar to BPF int this way. They are an isolationist cult IMO and limited exposure. I never heard of /s/BlackPillFeminism or /s/PinkPillFeminism before they showed up here recently.

[–]JasonCarswell 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

I thought Men's Rights Activists use that MRA term. I'm not up on all the stuff but according to this Men Are Good channel I recently discovered and watched a couple episodes, and those MRA guys think the loud and extremist MGTOW are making a bad name for Men's Rights (though the quiet MGTOW guys are just quietly just going their own way without a lot of fuss or anti-women stuff, often not even identifying as MGTOW). Also, from back when The Red Pill documentary came out the Men's Rights guys and gals seemed very rational.

Beyond this I don't know anything more. Please correct me where I'm wrong.

The Men's Rights (and Children's Rights) groups seem pretty reasonable to me (from the limited stuff I've seen), willing to work on Women's Rights and Human Rights in general - which is basically against the Ruling Class and their corrupt systems, including the justice system. Aside from occasionally making micro-aggressive and minor-aggressive statements on occasion (feeling slighted and without legal recourse as they do) that might trigger SJWs, I don't see much to complain about. How do you feel they are misguided?

[–]beermeem 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

That's a two part question, so I'll follow you from the top. As usual, /u/JasonCarswell I 100% agree with you in principle.

MRA's do use the MRA moniker. And I feel like it's one of those terms that has been "ported" to where "most" people just roll their eyes when they hear "MRA." I'm glad you brought up The Red Pill. It was made by a feminist and had Gloria FUCKING Steinem featured in it and speaking in favor of its ends. Susan Faludi (a personal hero) was writing about these things in the 90's and disowned by feminism then. The fact that Gloria Steinem has been disowned by modern feminism tells you all I need to know. These people (MRA's) are REASONABLE.

That's part one. Part two -- "MRA's" are likely in a desperate attempt simply to organize and save lives. They're in Stage 1 of their political movement. Very noble but no real organizational ability to create broad change. Why? They have no PR. They are too strident and convinced of their own righteousness. If I were running the movement, I'd tone it down and gloss it up. Make it accessible. Make it look and feel good.

I would say any "movement" peaks in Stage 3 -- a balance between helping people and having good PR. Meanwhile, the modern "feminist" and "BLM" movements are at Stage 5 -- already peaked and now nothing more than PR. In short, they stand not for what they claim to espouse. They just fool people while other actors take advantage of the accrued power from their development between Stages 2-4.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I suspect the MRAs have the very formidable problem of not being wanted by corporatocracy, therefore won't get the funding, PR, media, etc. They can be ignored until it's time to swat or SWAT them.


As someone with experience in the MSM with a fascination for the art of persuasion (advertising) I completely agree with your ideas to "tone it down and gloss it up. Make it accessible. Make it look and feel good." Simple but effective. I feel the same way about truth-seeking. After I finish my first draft of my Bittersweet Seeds cautionary story, I will be turning my attention to my Trutherism 101 animated series idea. Short, informative, clear, glossy, and funny. My online workers-coop for both project and for other people's projects: Glossed And Profound. Now if I could just focus, finish, and start sharing my results in the subs I made for them. But I'm addicted to current events!

As for your stages. You neglected or forgot to include the infiltration, corruption, and subversion of the movements. A movement for any group in the working class will get targeted, penetrated, perverted, and twisted into doing the opposite of what it was initially intended to do, before it gets wiped out. If it's lucky it might get another wave or few.

[–]flugegeheimen 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

MRA - Men Rights Activists. It's not really a pejorative label. I think the notion that it is stems from the habit of feminist screechers to hurl this label at everyone who doesn't kiss their ass, like it's a bad thing.

Basically MRA are kind of people who would complain how they are regularly mugged and how police doesn't give a shit about it because they have certain physical traits.

MGTOW are kind of people who would point out that they aren't going to leave the house at all and usually won't get mugged as a result. Which is technically correct too.