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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Beyond just China, there's the whole US funding of the project(s) that were started in the US. Also, you should look into Event 202 which, among many other things (Lock Step Lockdown, The Great Reset, Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030, etc) shows they planned this whole scam event.

"Experts", "leaders", billionaire exploiters, and scientists who are not censored are pushing scientism, a blind faith dogma in their corporatocracy lies. Scientists, doctors, nurses, and other experts who push back against the "official" narrative are being censored - by the thousands. Some are even questioning the very foundations of what we all understand to be "viruses". Perhaps even "viruses" are a scam too, but if we can't question we'll never know.

I'd debate you further on the COVID bullshit except it's moot. There's no point in getting into a "facts war" because the corporate media has muddied the battleground with so much bullshit that no sources are trustworthy unless you have faith in them. They have destroyed facts by manufacturing fake news sources and sourced sources and sourced sourced sources, among other tactics. Who has the time to dig down through the mountains of bullshit to find the golden truths? This is not by accident. Fuck the corporatocracy and don't trust any of them.