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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Because both of them are PSYOPs. That's why. The only goal of these losers is to divide and conquer people and give a lick of credibility to thte left-right paradigm that I see so many truth seekers fall for, especially when it comes to Donald "I have a 9/11 perp as my lawyer" Trump.

Greta is obviously controlled but these Fabian Socialists have to drip feed the public and fear monger them needlessly. Instead, she should focus on pollution and corproate waste. Screw Monsanto and industrial farming. End these practicies, including corporate waste and negligence. God created this earth and we as people, who have dominion over everything must protect it and look after it, not destroy his creation. At least be as self-sustaining as possible and prevent yourself from funding industrial farming and various other wasteful, vermish practices that the system likes to perpetuate.

[–]HeyImSancho 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Undeniable evidence the boy himself was a psyops? Please provide to back up your case.

I can find shit from all sorts of folks, but at face value, how was the boy complicit???

Honestly, at face value, I think the overlords test the hell out of our responses. Do we proclaim everything a psyops so as to not get involved by speaking out?

Greta was openly funded, and it was a pre planned event, she even sailed on a yacht with Rothchild entanglement, yet at face value, the kid(boy) was just standing there, and not seeking attention.

Standing is now a psyops? And Greta maybe legit depending on what she says next; of course with full media attention, and press conferences?

I guess either you, or perhaps myself need a reality check; because you introduce a definite new way to see things, at least to myself.

[–]HeyImSancho 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I want to go one step closer to show how I see things. The warmistas, or those pushing for it, always support taxation upon the little guy; that would be at least myself, and others. They never push to get the globalist; who're the real polluters.

They, the warmistas push for taxes. Taxation is theft, it sure as hell feels like rape to me; as it's just done to those who aren't able to collectively come to together and fight. Any individual has very little say in the matter when the masses are concerned.

So here it is, I said rape!.

Greta is only the talking mouth piece that they rolled out for these proverbial rapists. Of course, after a coordinated week of kids protesting the climate; somehow all school administrations allowed these kids to skip for a political topic. It's all Soros, and globalist funded.

But don't attack Greta, she's the real deal "Joan of Climate protection".... Right? Yet Soros, and the globalists are behind her?

Hell, we should allow young girls in court to stand in defense of real rapists. I could see people saying,'oh don't attack her. Her heart is in the right place, and maybe if she changes her message, or manner in which she states it, in defense of the rapist, "I may listen?"'

Damn, all criminals should use little girls, or boys as their shields, and swords!

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Everything on the mainstream media is a PSYOP. If good morning America, NBC, and the Today show are interviewing Nathan Phillips and MAGA kid, all of whom are spiffed up with makeup, then yes, it is likely a PSYOP. Meant to divide people ; left vs. right. We have to remember these are the same propaganda networks that again and again broadcast psyop shooting drills as real and covered-up the 9/11 false flag planned by 5h column Jewish Zionist neoconservatives and neoliberals.

The real agenda here is division and promoting partisan views. Trumps task was to promtoe division by using the 'fake news' term in order to demoralize his supporters. His job was and still is to be the antithesis of the so-called left biased media, so that partisan righties can flock to Fox News, which also broadcasts psyops daily, whislt at the same time this rhetoric strengthen the leftist partisan viewpoint so that those people will flock to CNN and MSNBC, etc. They understood that people were waking up to the massive fraud and that the media was not in the best interests of the people. They were solely used to propagandize Zionist and corporate ideologies as well as psychological operations.

Before the 2016 elections, in which I knew Trump was selected to win, people were very much aware of this massive fraud. Trump has effectively closed the eyes of many truth seekers, creating the ruse of partisan politics.

President Trump, the puppet who has close ties to all the 9/11 perps wants you to believe the the media, and WHAT THEY SAY, is a priority, if not, THE PRIORITY. In this propaganda hegelian dialectic, they want us to focus on the narratives and stories, even if we do not't agree with them. The truth of the matter is that most of the breaking stories are fictional PSYOPs.

So, this overt PSYOP with Nathan Phillips and teh MAGA kidn, to me at least, and other researchers is dependent on peopel picking a side. Concocted to be this way.

It is the MSM divide tactics on a full display as more concern given to MAGA hat than standing rock abuse, you see?

Firstly, anyone with an ounce of intelligence and critical thinking should not beleive ANYTHING that comes out of congress, the governemnt and espeically the media from the right and left pundits, even if the narrative might promote your biased viewpoint.

The Amerindian is an actor who was featured in a Skrillex music video and the MAGA hat boy appears to be jewish. Was this just another stage play to get both sides at each other’s throats and distracted from the real issues? Probably.

^ ^ ^ I'm really confused how people can not see how this teenager and this Native American actor is not part of the ruse. Firstly, he is being interviewed by the PSYOP queen herself, who interviews crisis actors on the regular.

What this case illustrates is the media’s power to manipulate outrage among those who blindly consume it. By failing to tell the entire story, preconceived stereotypes are used to stoke a divisive picture that is destined to get clicks and views.

Matt Agorist writes:

Society’s own biases are being used against us to sell false hatred and it’s making these companies billions of dollars.

Just as the Gillette commercial was used to provoke outrage on the right, this kid in a MAGA hat was used to stoke outrage on the left. The inevitable results of such divisive tactics are a less cohesive society and a windfall of profits for those who keep us fighting.

To further back up this claim, we need only look at the selective outrage when it comes to reporting on the plight of Native Americans and the almost non-existent coverage by the mainstream media when this group is being actively abused, mistreated, and even murdered.

Over the weekend, a kid wearing a MAGA hat creepily stared into the eyes of a Native America man and the media took this non-story and whipped it into a proverbial shit storm of controversy. There have been countless op-eds and articles decrying the MAGA wearing boy and his entire school and endless hours of talking heads parroting the false narrative that this boy was some how a member of the ku klux klan.

But where was this same media when Native American Jorden Stevens, a member of the Cocopah Indian Tribe in Yuma, Arizona was beaten to death by ten cops—on video—and no one was charged?

Even though Stevens’ death was ruled a homicide and his death recorded on the cameras of the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO) Adult Detention Center, not a single officer was charged. Surely, a Native American man being beaten to death by ten agents of the government after being held in jail over a questionable disorderly conduct charge is a greater travesty than a MAGA hat wearing teen creepily staring into the eyes of Nathan Phillips in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Apparently it was not.

Where was this same media when Native Americans were being beaten, gassed, and even shot in North Dakota as they peacefully defended their sacred land during Standing Rock?

Native Americans were being abused en masse in a historical fight to preserve their land and the mainstream media was mum. But that is not all.

Where was the mainstream media when multiple Native American women were being kidnapped in North Dakota and sex trafficked? Where was the media when police were ignoring these horrifying cases that were well documented? They were nowhere to be found, that’s where.

This selective outrage over the MAGA hat video is all but a smoking gun proving that the mainstream media exists for the sole reason to keep us divided to generate clicks and profit from your hatred for your fellow human—all while protecting the corrupt establishment.

Plus, they are actors anyway:

Nathan Phillips was featured in a Skrillix music video and the kid has family connections to media and Jewish Zionists.

[–]HeyImSancho 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know exactly where you're coming from, but have a pertinent question, when do we believe any event, or aspect of said event to be real?

Trump is exactly what you say, I cannot disagree, and like you, knew from the first debate I saw them give him air time, that he was the newly selected employee. Yet what was the other choice 'allowed'?

The dems at the time were screaming then, as they are now that we must submit to authoritarianism(C2, or Command, and Control). It's obvious then, and now that Trump was the only half sane 'given' choice(selection). As it stands now, all in the halls of congress are gleefully planning enslavement, and I do think that had Hillary gotten in, we'd be a little ahead the curve towards real authoritarianism on a level unheard of. I'd say Trump was many things, but most of all, a 'gauge' of the people's temperament.

Then, like now, where are those freedom loving Americans with any power standing up? In these forums, great, but what about on the streets? People are complacent, and feel they've got no power.

As far as the covington boy being tied in as a psyops to distract from the natives, sure, okay, perhaps. Yet, what of other Americans, and the pollution from fracking? Perhaps Standing Rock was a distraction from that? Where does it end; the distractions? Where does one thing matter, and another not?

I know you study, and research, I read your posts. These occultists don't have one single point as a goal, everything has multiple ins, and outs, multiple lead ins, and multi-fold goals coming out from there. It's why they have been winning for so long. While we think linear, they think multifaceted; along with forward thinking; which has become foreign to most.

Remember, I said at 'face value'. that's single point of their multifaceted attacks. The boy at face value did nothing wrong, to not defend due to it being a 'psyops', would also be akin to turning your back on another in need by way of false accusations. I absolutely believe part of the ploy was to test the resolve of humanity.

Everything is to gauge our resolve, and I'll leave it at that.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with you about Greta.