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[–]HeyImSancho 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I want to go one step closer to show how I see things. The warmistas, or those pushing for it, always support taxation upon the little guy; that would be at least myself, and others. They never push to get the globalist; who're the real polluters.

They, the warmistas push for taxes. Taxation is theft, it sure as hell feels like rape to me; as it's just done to those who aren't able to collectively come to together and fight. Any individual has very little say in the matter when the masses are concerned.

So here it is, I said rape!.

Greta is only the talking mouth piece that they rolled out for these proverbial rapists. Of course, after a coordinated week of kids protesting the climate; somehow all school administrations allowed these kids to skip for a political topic. It's all Soros, and globalist funded.

But don't attack Greta, she's the real deal "Joan of Climate protection".... Right? Yet Soros, and the globalists are behind her?

Hell, we should allow young girls in court to stand in defense of real rapists. I could see people saying,'oh don't attack her. Her heart is in the right place, and maybe if she changes her message, or manner in which she states it, in defense of the rapist, "I may listen?"'

Damn, all criminals should use little girls, or boys as their shields, and swords!