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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The legalization of "gay" marriage. Marriage is an institution that was intended to act as a foundation for a family. The gay rights movement claimed authority over this institution and subverted it's telos, which was a spiritual vow between two people who were committed to a properly ordered sexual relationship so that they may produce children. If you read the literature of gay rights activists, the purpose for this subversion is to up-end all social norms, which they see as manufactured constructs to keep the elite in places of power and control.

Did Gay Marriage stop straight people from having kids? Whether legally or not? Nope.

You've made a number of unstated assertions. First you're asserting that all social activism undermines non-Jews. I don't think you can support that claim.

Compare European countries today vs half a century ago.

You think stuff like the George Floyd riots and the billions of property damage is what White societies were asking for? Or not letting the police actually do their job and arrest delinquents?

But I can see this argument is going to nowhere with you when you beleive this:

The only thing that "White" people share is a relatively similar phenotype whose borders are impossible to define.

White people share a culture that is traditionally at the 100 IQ level. They've built civilizations that were moderately safe, financially wealthy and technology the most advance.

You don't get this when you replace indigenous European people with that of indigenous Africans or Indians.

I could also answer the other points later (if I feel like I'm not wasting my time).

I know something about cults because I was raised in one and escaped it years ago. I can tell you're in a cult because you don't critically think about the things you write. You assume that certain precepts naturally go together because....of course they go together. If you really thought about why you think about the things you're writing, you would see that they're all very simplistic and silly.

Do you agree or disagree that Humans are biological creatures? Do you think Humans are the only species exempt from the rules of evolution and natural selection?

There is nothing wrong in looking for patterns and group behavior in animals. Especially as it's an easy predictor of knowing how they survived for millennia.

When people deny that White culture doesn't exist, I ask them to go look at what many other non-White societies looked like before they ever made contact with them. You wont find railroads or electricity in Africa before it was introduced by Europeans. Similarly, the Americas never had Two Story buildings or even a government we traditionally now know as Democracy before European Settlers arrived and built those things.

None of which is opinion.