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[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Louis Farrakhan continues to do.


[–]nordmannenLegionnaire 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I don't really believe the Nation of Islam uncucked itself after Elijah. Even the ideology today is very watered down compared to the esoteric teachings that Wallace Fard Muhammad espoused. I think Louis Farrakhan is generally correct, and does call out Jews repeatedly. But ultimately I think he's controlled opposition for the other side, similar to people like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, and the NOI has served in that capacity since the 1960s. I believe this because the NOI does not really accomplish much anymore, and almost always make the news because of Farrakhan's outlandish statements that the media decides the narrative on. This has been the pattern I noticed, however I admit I don't know a lot about the situation in the NOI today.

I have to ask, if rubbing shoulders with scientologists and repeatedly making concessions to Jews after calling them out advances the NOI agenda, what are they doing? I think that blacks have their own pressure release valves, just like we do, except their steam is usually pointed at us (and not Jews, despite what Farrakhan says about them.)

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I believe this because the NOI does not really accomplish much anymore, and almost always make the news because of Farrakhan's outlandish statements that the media decides the narrative on.

This can always just be a result of not having power.

I have to ask, if rubbing shoulders with scientologists

I thought jews hated scientologists. All I've ever heard is bad things about them. I always saw them as basically goys trying to replicate the ingroup mafia/racket type strategy jews have so jews hated them. I don't really know anything about them though, this is just what it looks like on the surface and I watched that Going Clear documentary about them. Redpill me on this ? ? ?

repeatedly making concessions to Jews after calling them out advances the NOI agenda, what are they doing?

What concessions? Is there anything in particular?

I think that blacks have their own pressure release valves, just like we do, except their steam is usually pointed at us (and not Jews, despite what Farrakhan says about them.)

For sure but what specifically has Farrakhan or NOI generally done? Do they shill for the GOP? Do they run cover for jews? Do you have any specific examples of bad shit they've done?

[–]nordmannenLegionnaire 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I thought jews hated scientologists. All I've ever heard is bad things about them. I always saw them as basically goys trying to replicate the ingroup mafia/racket type strategy jews have so jews hated them. I don't really know anything about them though, this is just what it looks like on the surface and I watched that Going Clear documentary about them. Redpill me on this ? ? ?

A group of celebrities learning from their masters are no friends of ours. The Jews hated them enough to give them tax exemption (the IRS tax lawyer was one), and it shouldn't be surprising that with hollywood celebrities in bed with Jews comes tax evasion, forced labor, human trafficking, and sexual abuse. Even the NXIVM cult used Scientology as a defense against their allegations, if you remember when all that was going on. As in, if Scientologists could engage in these activities, NXIVM is legally allowed to as well. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

I'm not accusing you of missing my point, but Scientology is not a third positionist or pro-white religion and does not protect our interests. I believe it's a tax scam for some goy celebrities that comes with the same hidden shames that rich clubs tend to come with. I can not conceive of a reason for why the NOI is establishing Scientologist centers in Ireland. I'd go a step further and say that Malcolm X would have condemned them, the same way Masonry was condemned by Malcom X in his autobiography. I tend to avoid conspiracy theories, but Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan were allegedly involved in sexual abuse and human trafficking similar to the accusations against Scientology, and Malcolm X's knowledge of this ring was what ultimately killed him. I don't have enough information to substantiate those claims, however, and I'm not claiming they are factual.

What concessions? Is there anything in particular?

Farrakhan at a synagogue in Jamaica in 2002

"A Muslim can not hate a Jew. We are all members of the family of Abraham and all of us should maintain dialogue and mutual respect."

Farrakhan harbors no ill will towards Jews 2020

I do believe Farrakhan panders, and is probably a shock-jock who isn't seriously committed to the Nation of Islam. And, as I've said before, Elijah Muhammad was the same way, which was why Malcolm X left.

For sure but what specifically has Farrakhan or NOI generally done? Do they shill for the GOP? Do they run cover for jews? Do you have any specific examples of bad shit they've done?

Did Louis Farrakhan ever say anything about the NOI convert that rammed a police officer in DC last year? Or any of the white people, police or civilians, killed by blacks on a regular basis? I know a lot of them see the warfare as, to quote Malcolm X, "the chickens coming home to roost". In fact, I'd point out that while there are plenty of people on the dissident right who revere him, that reverence is never reciprocated, is it? Can you find a single reference to Louis Farrakhan reaching out to a dissident figure to sit down and talk? I think the closest you'll get is Alex Jones (lol). I know Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, and, if I recall, Mike Enoch have reached out to him.

I think this matters because, if Farrakhan is sincere, I think we understand that cooperation between the races will be a prospective way to overthrow the Zionist order we live under. However, if you were that neoliberal order and you controlled a fairly substantial black separatist movement, wouldn't it make sense for that movement to not cooperate with other movements (an issue that Malcolm X had), to demonize and attack primarily whites, and to fundamentally not threaten the Jewish power structure in the country?

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks borther👍