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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

White supremacists aren't known for their correct analysis of statistical confounders. What your looking at there is motivated reasoning. In reality, once you correct for confounders, the difference between races almost entirely disappears.

Race gaps exist, even amongst the richest or most affluent people.

Even with all the diversity and affirmative action pushes, only Asians come 2nd place in total CEO's rankings. Then it's Hispanics and then Black CEO's rank last.

It's the exact same pattern as the SAT chart I posted...

So you've found two important confounders. Parental education and household income, both of which are anti-correlated to being black in the US.

It's not America's fault that Blacks suck at both things. You want proof? Native Africa never even built Universities or Public Schools before Europeans taught them those things. It's no surprise that 400 years later, Blacks can't beat White in education because only race valued it.

That's a fucking stupid analogy. The reason Men produce more muscles is that they have testes that are producing testosterone, which affects muscle development. There's nothing asian's produce that affects brain development. They're just very scholarly by culture.

It's implied Asians can produce other physical attributes like slanted eyelids or even different bacteria found in their mouths, it's safe to assume that they also have DNA that produces bigger and more intelligent brains than any other race.

I'm sorry to disillusion you, but the region of the skull above the eye's is most sloping in Europeans compared to Native Americans and sub-saharan Africans.

So you're aware all 3 races have physically different skull structures? Congratulations, you're catching up now!

But physiognomy is a refuted superstition.

Skull differences are the reason humans even exist.

Notice the oldest ancestor resembles a slightly more advanced Chimp? Their intelligence level was banging rocks together. Now look at the last example. His brain is far bigger and his intellectual achievements are also superior.

Black people are caught in the middle of this timeline. They are not considered biologically equal to Europeans who have built far more complex civilizations than anything found in Native Africa.