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[–]milkmender11 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

A lot of people care that you are calling me a schizophrenic Jew. I am worried that this will impact my life negatively, because what you say matters a lot. Won't you please take your comments down before people see?

Now assumptions based on appearances are bad? The other guys said this was about resounding answers, not nuanced assumptions that involve detailed understanding of everyone's parental lineages. Do you agree with what he said or not?

It's great that you did a lot of background reading on Logic. If you put a picture of him in front of random Americans, don't say his name, don't talk about his parents, what would they say his race is? Society will give a resounding answer, and it won't be the same as what you want it to be. Again, if you have a disagreement with the Sheikh, why are you responding to me? Respond to him.

I'll gladly not talk to a kike battling with his schizophasia whilst attempting to do tactical nihilism.

Lol, you got all of that wrong. Not a Jew. Atheist. Not a schizo. OCD. Not a 'he.' Biofemale.

I have only the faintest idea of what tactical nihilism is, but I can clearly see how you mean it here--it means 'disregards the arguments I like'! Nice buzzword, though. Very cool. Makes you sound super smart