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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'll just lay some basic facts here. More than 95% of the deaths from COVID are to people above 60. If you are below 60 and not very unhealthy(obesity, heart disease, high pressure etc.) your chance of dying from COVID is less that 1/1000. This puts COVID in the category of an acceptable risk.

There's absolutely no reason that Covid should have ever been an "acceptable risk". Back when the virus was first found in China in late 2019, every government around the world should have suspended air travel until China admitted they had the situation under control. Millions of lives would have been saved, and no country would have been forced under lockdown except for China.

That's why I don't understand the anti-vax movement. Nobody asked for Covid. I would rather live in a world where the virus never existed. But because so many people fell for the "lol it's just a flu bro", they literally destroyed the world with their ignorance. It should be seen as a miracle of science that we even have a working vaccine right now, because imagine if Covid was actually killing off the entire world much faster? It would have turned into a civil war if the virus deniers continued to spread their false information.

So don't take the " 1/1000" number as a sign we should have done nothing. What happens next time when there is a virus that has a 100% kill rate but we still have anti-maskers going around spitting in people's faces? The world as we know it would have been over.