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[–]Jacinda 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

4) Rather than endlessly dismissing The Protocols as a forgery why not ask if it could be descriptive of a particular political strategy and whether it has relevance today?


I remember some forum writer somewhere characterizing the Protocols as “based upon a true story,” suggesting that someone who was generally familiar with the secretive machinations of elite international Jews against the existing governments of Czarist Russia and other countries had drafted the document to outline his view of their strategic plans, and such an interpretation seems perfectly plausible to me.

Another reader somewhere claimed that the Protocols were pure fiction but quite significant nonetheless. He argued that the very keen insights into the methods by which a small conspiratorial group can quietly corrupt and overthrow powerful existing regimes arguably ranked the work alongside Plato’s The Republic and Machiavelli’s The Prince as one of the three great classics of Western political philosophy, earning it a place on the required reading list of every Political Science 101 course. Indeed, the author of Ford’s books emphasizes that there are very few mentions of Jews anywhere in the Protocols, and all the implied connections to Jewish conspirators could be completely struck from the text without affecting its content whatsoever. [Cont...]

I am quoting Unz rather than endorsing him, the first paragraph seems ridiculously far fetched, but like Unz I agree The Protocols are worth being studied in their own right. His entire section on the book is worth reading. After wading through the endless "forgery" disclaimers, I also found the Wikipedia article which describes the pamphlet's origins to be of interest

After about an hour on the Internet I've roughly outlined a far more compelling basis for a documentary than the bland admonishments of Vice's so called "expert" who assures us that Q is nothing but a ridiculous conspiracy theory based on anti-Semitic libel.

If I have doubts then so do millions of other people. It is little wonder people are losing faith in the MSM when they simply act as apologists for the current order. In a sane world journalists would be interviewing people lsuch as Andrew Joyce and Whitney Webb. Until they do they can hardly complain that people seek out information on dissident sites that exist in the shadows of the Internet.

[–]Fitter_HappierWhite Nationalist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Unz also hosted this defense of Pizzagate investigations

To reiterate a point that should be clear to the more astute reader, my goal in this series (part 1, part 2) has not been to defend “Pizzagate” as such. My goal has been to defend the people who want to investigate it against specific accusations levied against them by people who think Pizzagate has revealed no intriguing information at all—for a specific reason, which I will be honing in and focusing on much more directly in this closing entry.

Whereas the mainstream critics of Pizzagate would have you believe that the dividing line is between paranoid conspiracy theorist followers of “fake news” and level-headed people who follow trustworthy news sources and rely on cold, hard reason to determine the truth, my goal has been to show that—whatever is or is not happening with Pizzagate itself—this framing of the issue is arrogant, insulting, and the product of extremely narrow tunnel vision.

[–]Jacinda 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's the same article which I linked to earlier. Unz reposted it from Counter Currents.

Rightly so. As previously mentioned it's the most nuanced account I've seen. The fact the MSM is so unwilling to investigate speaks volumes in itself.

Edit: Thanks for posting. I had a browse of the comments threads which are always entertaining at Unz. Watching @RonW's sensible attempts to discredit the some wilder pizzagate will make you despair at the nature of on-line discourse (and realize how flimsy much of the evidence is).

On a more positive note Gregory Hood also has an article on the Q phenomena: