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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Suppressing white identity also weakens the social fabric, atomizes people, and encourages them to indulge in mindless consumerism while offering little objection to increasingly predatory profiteering and worsening wealth gaps.

The biggest retail giant (Walmart) once tried to enter the Brazillian market and failed. The claim that it's all non-white people who are just consumerist zombies looks incredibly flawed, especially when the USA itself represents Capitalism central, but a non-white country like Cuba is controlled by Socialism and even physically limits what Cubans are allowed to own.

Leaving aside the hate, leftist politicians benefit by importing minorities, because their votes are predictable, and corporations receive an influx of cheaper labor for manual purposes or even highly specialized tech roles. It keeps the system churning for those who reap the rewards and can insulate themselves from the negative effects.

This is 100% correct but it's not a conspiracy. That's literally what Capitalism exists to do. It's more profitable to import the smartest minds from all over the world and bring them to the USA where they can make the country richer. Since China and India have bigger populations, it follows that pattern of non-white people eventually becoming the new majority.

They're keeping this sham rolling as long as possible before the guillotines are inevitably constructed, at which point they'll flee to the next victim nation if they can't successfully avoid a collapse or shift the blame for it elsewhere.

Wait, what are the guillotines for? Or why do they have to leave the USA or any Western country when they just made them prosperous? I explained to another guy already that if the Elites really hated White people, they can go live in Brazil right now and oppress the tiny minority that still exists.

[–]Dashing-Dove 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Walmart has no prestige in Brazil. You'll find plenty of Brazilians who travel by plane and bring back suitcases full of American-branded merchandise, for themselves or for resale. That's irrelevant though, and you misunderstood. Everyone is vulnerable to empty consumerism when there's a void where community should be. Worse is that suppressing the racial identity divides and disables, preventing political traction to combat predators in business and finance. It blinds us to the notion of blood and soil. We don't have fully unrestrained capitalism, but yes, government is in bed with corporations that demand the best in each role they need - for the cheapest price. In other words, hire overseas and screw the natives.

Nationalist populism is an enemy that could force them to treat existing citizens better if they want access to its market. Yet, guess what happens when that market isn't worth enough for them to care, or if they can buy off the politicians and the populace is too distracted to hold them to account? That nation loses all leverage. Now, if the populace does rise up and accurately identifies the traitors in their midst, and some of them choose a violent solution, that would prompt elites fleeing. It's happened throughout history, and some among them have large noses even if they don't deserve the full blame for our situation in the west. As it stands, no one is lifting a finger except by ineffectual protests and minor rioting.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Walmart has no prestige in Brazil. You'll find plenty of Brazilians who travel by plane and bring back suitcases full of American-branded merchandise, for themselves or for resale. That's irrelevant though, and you misunderstood. Everyone is vulnerable to empty consumerism when there's a void where community should be.

You were arguing that whiteness plays a role in consumerism despite the fact the most Capitalist country right now is the USA which has a very significant white population. If whites were gone, it's more likely to have the opposite effect then you intend. Non-whites could vote for Socialism like what already exists in Cuba, or they reject mass consumption like Walmart failing in Brazil. It's more logical that the Elites intend to open up every country and make everyone consumers, rather than the notion they have to get rid of whites in order to stay rich or in power. I can give you an example right now. China is non-white and for a certain time period, they were actually cut off from the outside world. But then a certain man named President Nixon decided to go to China and convinced them to start trading. Yet despite China and America being mortal enemies, Capitalism never once called for the genocide of Chinese people. They were more happy to open sweatshops and get vast amounts of resources in return.

But I know what you're going to tell me. "The Elites still want White people dead!". No, I've reached a better conclusion that race has nothing to do with what's going on in the world. Capitalism is a profit driven enterprise. The system only stops working when profit is no longer possible. White people are still spending their paychecks on expensive goods so the conspiracy they're being forced to disappear because they're not profitable enough is not logical. White people right now can all go on a hunger strike or stop shopping at Walmart. But they wont do that because another group will move in and take their place instead, or the alternate methods to Capitalism always end in failure.

It blinds us to the notion of blood and soil. We don't have fully unrestrained capitalism, but yes, government is in bed with corporations that demand the best in each role they need - for the cheapest price. In other words, hire overseas and screw the natives. Nationalist populism is an enemy that could force them to treat existing citizens better if they want access to its market. Yet, guess what happens when that market isn't worth enough for them to care, or if they can buy off the politicians and the populace is too distracted to hold them to account? That nation loses all leverage. Now, if the populace does rise up and accurately identifies the traitors in their midst, and some of them choose a violent solution, that would prompt elites fleeing. It's happened throughout history, and some among them have large noses even if they don't deserve the full blame for our situation in the west. As it stands, no one is lifting a finger except by ineffectual protests and minor rioting.

I am in complete agreement that unregulated capitalism is a bad thing. Keep in mind, I never once said Capitalism doesn't have flaws. I am a big environmentalist and even I can see that unregulated Capitalism can lead to toxic pollution or deforestation. It's possible to make compromises and tell big companies they need to eventually back off on certain issues.

For the alt-right though, using race as an argument against Capitalism contains far more baggage and the position itself isn't guaranteed to win from a competitive stand point. The elites picked diversity over nationalism because it just simply brings in more money. Once you make money selling to every race instead of just white people, nationalism became archaic. You may not know this but this argument actually destroyed historical black businesses. The end of Jim Crow enabled black shoppers to leave their neighborhoods and buy white people's products. More money went into White peoples hands and forced black businesses to close down or get absorbed. Now we're seeing the experiment happen on the world stage. Unless you can convince White people to only buy from Nazi stores instead of Amazon or Walmart, the same fate is going to happen to them. That's just how Capitalism works.