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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

You didn't even interact with my arguments, because you're obviously too busy jerking off to your own talking points with the typical smug, anti-white snark added to it. Like I already said, the white people who do practice miscegenation are still a small minority, because they aren't literally forced to. No one is claiming white people are literally being forced to miscegenate, just that we're being bombarded with interracial propaganda (especially in commercials), which can't be denied.

Just a disclaimer: please don't call everyone who disagrees with you "anti-white". If I can go an entire discussion without calling you racist, then you should refrain from assuming my own politics. Now, white people are being bombarded with interracial propaganda? Instead of the more reasonable idea in which interracial couples exist and are apart of society? Bombard itself is also a strong word. Maybe travel to the Amish parts of the USA and ask the locals if they've seen any ads. If they say no, why not go live with them?

How is this in any way relevant? You're really pivoting like crazy. You were the one who brought up the "slave class" strawman crap, not me, and argued that the ideal slave class should be as dumb as possible, and that therefore if the elites wanted to create a "slave class" they'd import Australian Aboriginals instead of mestizos, pajeets and negroes. I merely pointed out how full of shit you are with that ridiculous bullshit argument. And obviously, if they're trying to create a "slave class", they almost certainly wouldn't be kept as literal slaves, just as very low wage wokers who will be kept calm by their Netflix after work, basically what is already happening but more extreme over a longer timespan.

It's not a strawman when alt-right circles entertain the idea race mixing only exists to create a more obedient ethnic group. Case and point: can you answer with a straight face you've never heard of Kalergi? And if the purpose was not to create the most docile race then what threshold even says mixing different people together makes them inferior? The examples of Africans or Indians run contradictory to this. At one point in history, Black Americans were murdered for attempting to even read a book. There was intense amount of brainwashing to believe God only created them so they could serve Europeans yet even after the disgusting amounts of torture and reckless murder, they always fought for their freedom. Indians are another group. They didn't want the British to rule over them and there was a constant attempt at resistance to get them out of their continent. I would argue that bringing these different races together is the absolute opposite of trying to subjugate them. Black people or Indians were brutally murdered for refusing to be slaves by subsets of people who taught they had to be genetically inferior, yet today they still refuse to ever go back in chains without a fight.

Because, obviously, of the white people who have anti-white biases, only a tiny minority actually deep down hates white people, and of that tiny minority, only a tiny minority are literal murderous sadistic psychotpaths who'd be willing to do disgusting shit like letting innocent white people burn alive or murdering white patients. Are you projecting something or what? But actually, it isn't even true that most white people have an anti-white bias. In the US, 55% of white people feel discriminated against for being white, and in most western nations the majority of population is opposed to immigration (yet their politicians don't give a shit).

How do you know all this information? White people are still voting for mass immigration in droves. Are we suppose to believe that Trudeau and Biden are somehow the worst scum, yet their power only exists because 50% of White population continue to approve their agenda with very little push back?

We mustn't nothing, you disgustig little freak. White people don't owe you anything. There's nothing wrong with us sticking up for our kind.

Who is the official spokesperson for White people? Or why does said voice of White people have to be Alt-Right? If we go by election numbers, Conservative or Liberal politicians who promote diversity are much bigger champions of white people than the 1% fringe parties that disagree? You can absolutely stick up for your kind but what I'm trying to tell you is, it already appears most White people have a stigma against far-right beliefs and are even repulsed at letting them dominate the national agenda. That's not an opinion, that's reality I'm trying to break to you now.

No, because unlike the elites that fuck with us, we don't intend to systematically replace the natives of colonized countries with white people, or pillage their economies, or publish constant propaganda about "black privilege" or "mestizo privilege", or put their women in commercials in relations with white men. It's more like, without our supervision, they're breeding like rabbits, living in extreme poverty and flooding our countries despite having recieved billions of development aid for decades, so we're gonna help them out but that also means we get to make their laws, restrict their procreation and make sure they stay the fuck away from our countries.

Your post is only 50% correct. Non-white countries have been invaded and had their governments replaced with dictators. The ones who did try to fight back where publicly humiliated or assassinated. I'm not extreme like Liberals who try and guilt this on all White people but try not to pin these other countries like they were given help without multiple strings attached. Even some countries that are recovering from poverty are still being affected by neo-colonial policies. Whether it's illegal over fishing off the coasts of Africa or the constant drone strikes on Middle Eastern families who did nothing wrong. It's not a surprise they find their ways into Western countries since their attempts at building their own have been sabotaged for centuries.

[–]Nasser 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Where do you get that Whites are voting for mass immigration?Are you aware that politicians like Trudeau have other stances that lure Whites to him?

For Biden, the majority of Whites still voted for Trump and more voted Republican.The media pushed the narrative he was a return to normal from Trump,demographic change,combine that with Trump's poor handling of the Pandemic and Biden's nature and image(amplified by the media).It assured his victory.Whites are waking up against mass immigration.The nationalistic right is gaining momentum, you can see this with AFD,Brexit,Trump,Le Pen,Salvini,Orban etc.Yes it's slow but that's mainly due to the establishment power the opposition has built up.

I agree with your stances on non white nations and if I was in charge of the US I would pour funding (with conditions such as a lowering of fertility rate and a pro climate strategy) into developing non white nations and end American imperialism.It would be a win win for both.Non White nations would develop faster and would be less likely to want to immigrate to White nations(though they outright would be blocked if I was in charge) and there fertility rates drop with development and liberalization.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Where do you get that Whites are voting for mass immigration?Are you aware that politicians like Trudeau have other stances that lure Whites to him?

Mass immigration is part of his platform. You are correct that he has other issues that may appeal to Whites, but when the man gets on TV and literally says "Diversity is our the greatest strength and I promise to increase it" you are subconsciously supporting it whether you like it or not.

Also, Trudeau was just elected a second time. If Whites didn't have a problem the first time he promised to open the floodgates, they still didn't care that his second term wants to go even farther with it.

For Biden, the majority of Whites still voted for Trump and more voted Republican.The media pushed the narrative he was a return to normal from Trump,demographic change,combine that with Trump's poor handling of the Pandemic and Biden's nature and image(amplified by the media).It assured his victory.Whites are waking up against mass immigration.The nationalistic right is gaining momentum, you can see this with AFD,Brexit,Trump,Le Pen,Salvini,Orban etc.Yes it's slow but that's mainly due to the establishment power the opposition has built up.

I explained to another user that Trump was never a White Nationalist. Yeah, the media gets a boner from calling him Hitler every two seconds, but Trump never once said he's going to make America majority White. He did take action against illegal immigrants, but he still approved millions of LEGAL ones under his watch. These are people who are from Jamaica, Mexico, China, India etc. All of them were made citizens and he didn't object to this.

In regards to nationalism gaining momentum, I agree its happening. But keep in mind there's a difference between CIVIC nationalism and White Nationalism. Hungary or Italy might lean closer to White Nationalism but Donald Trump or Boris Johnson are civic nationalists. They have no plans of deporting their non-white citizens, and I heavily doubt the next Republican or Tories will touch that pole either.

I agree with your stances on non white nations and if I was in charge of the US I would pour funding (with conditions such as a lowering of fertility rate and a pro climate strategy) into developing non white nations and end American imperialism.It would be a win win for both.Non White nations would develop faster and would be less likely to want to immigrate to White nations(though they outright would be blocked if I was in charge) and there fertility rates drop with development and liberalization

This is what I want too. Every nation would be better if they were economic dependent and can look after themselves.

[–]Nasser 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Thats another factor, Whites are manipulated and lied to believe that diversity is a strength is a necessity. The goal of the nationalistic is to change that and we can one bit at a time. Countries like Canada are also entrenched with the Judeo-American sphere of influence which weakens the ability of nationalistic parties to rise.

You said in your earlier posts in this thread you think Trump is a fascist? Trump was under the influence of the establishment yes but immigration did objectively do down under him with policies like the travel ban for example and he has made attempts to decrease legal immigration but obstruction from the establishment prevented him. Civic nationalism is considered white nationalism by the modern dogmatic. Go to a reddit left wing subreddit and ask for their opinions on it. It is a stepping stone to true nationalism and far better than the status quo.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Explain how they're being lied to? Diversity is doing its job of strengthening the economy. I explained to another user that between White Nationalism and Immigration, Immigration is far more profitable. Many industries already exist just to move people around the planet. Now, I'm not bias and will admit you can equally make arguments against diversity or how it CAN be a weakness. But Trudeau or Biden were not lying about any positives they promoted. Diversity is doing its job to make these nations richer.

You said in your earlier posts in this thread you think Trump is a fascist? Trump was under the influence of the establishment yes but immigration did objectively do down under him with policies like the travel ban for example and he has made attempts to decrease legal immigration but obstruction from the establishment prevented him. Civic nationalism is considered white nationalism by the modern dogmatic. Go to a reddit left wing subreddit and ask for their opinions on it. It is a stepping stone to true nationalism and far better than the status quo.

This is where the Far-Left reveal themselves to be the other crazy. Civic Nationalists are definitely not Nazis. As for it being a step stone? That only depends if Conservatives agree to some kind of racial split. If the non-white Conservatives don't agree to it, then it's pointless.

[–]Nasser 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Strengthening the economy for the 1%.Whites have to compete with immigrants in housing and employment.Non whites bloc vote for parties against interests.For example the democrats and islamic parties in europe that have been strengthened by the migrant crisis. There are more I can't go into them right now.The goal of the nationalistic right is to awaken whites to the reality and severity of replacement and make them recognize no economy is worth ethnic replacement.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, those are the negatives to diversity. But they're not lying about the positives they also promised. And keep in mind, these are politicians. All of them are liars. Left, Right, even Centre. No one is ever going to be elected for speaking the truth all the time. We would live in a perfect world if honesty is what won elections. But that has never been the case.