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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

marxism is supposed to espouse scientific materialism. This means ignore religion and philosophies that are fake such as capitalism being good cuz of the invisible hand, and focusing on how the world really is. This should include race realism and gender realism. Many have pointed out Marx is "racist" and problematic and had certain views on women.

If we had socialism, meaning leftwing economic policies such as a new new deal, that would be like how in 1984 the theory of oligarchic collectivism said the rich would be swept away. One way the fight this with cultural marxism. That was similar to how they had ingsoc, English Socialism, instead of perpetual world revolution or interantional socialism. They didn't unite the entire world they had 3 factions agreeing to fight each other in proxy wars for eternity. We have that now with USA/Europe, Russia and china. We have people snitching on their frriends and family members and making them unpersons. We have 2 minute hate to hate trump or the other sides guy like Clinton. Weird tranny shit that you know is wrong so it's like 2+2=5.