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[–]wrgaerg 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

at least show the jokes ? thats all. thanks. damn my self. show up. i liked the ending.

"whom ever they are" idk where he was goiing with the trump. beating the 'other elites' at there own lies. by his pov.

lorne 'last name' is w/e another of your targeted jews. dman i put on black face.

such a history. i remembmer. when my was severed. because. i couldnt be infront of a tv recording me into other people watching tv.

hooo ray. thought i was booing my self in my sleep. scared for substance. eek. scarred, by the previous, misdirections and silly . hindsight. take care you all. vapids ventures. tepids. quiets. manniqens. shrouds. / damn the computer