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[–]EddieC[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My attempt:
In CES, any Sale & Purchase is a Record

  1. The Seller gets a Credit for the Sale
  2. The Buyer gets a Debit for the Purchase
  3. Future Debit/s (Purchase/s) will offset against the present Credit
  4. Future Credits (Sales/s) will offset against the present Debit

Hence, money is not required
For a person to purchase something, what is required:
the spending is recorded: a recorded Purchase (Debit) = a recorded Sales (Credit)
- this the easy part of CES
The real challenge is the "earning" part
For a person to earn something, what is required:
- a person needs the skills or things that are valued
that others would be willing to spend on
Why? Because most work as employees to earn wages
That part is unclear under CES to me - at least for the moment - maybe it would become clearer / easier to understand over time
Whilst small businesses could opt for CES, Corporations are unlikely to do so
unless Corporations are replaced by Co-operatives...

The challenge maybe easier to tackle if we can all first:

  • agree our present reality: We are in usurperDom - full spectrum usurpation
  • share a common value: Real freedom - usurper-free Dom
    --- and do all we can reciprocally to protect against usurpation

BUT can we?