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[–]EddieC[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

For Real Change, let's consider:

  • speed of change
  • risk of subversion
  • impact of change
  • certainty of outcome

The Present🔺Paradigm undergirds the Present Systems

The Present Systems:

  • have already in operation, various Schemes with different frequency, intensity, scope of impact
    • e.g. financial instability & eventual system-wide collapse (i.e. Boom-Bust Cycle) is a design feature of the Fiat & Corporate Money Scheme.
  • may (not) push through Scheme X next

To distract from, and to protect:

  • the Present Other Schemes
  • the Present Systems that brought them about and
  • most importantly, the Present🔺Paradigm that undergirds everything

(IMO) they raise, direct & surveil dissidents' energy as follows:

  • be afraid of the future Scheme X - be 'Anti-X'
  • be against any one of the Present Schemes (Rants =HeatSink, Petition, Protest, Strike) including Trojan Horse Solution(s)
  • be against any one or more of the Current System Actors / Parties (not the System itself)
  • down Rabbitholes: "the Cabal" - their past, present & future agenda
    They are intended to:
  • slowdown / halt real change
  • subvert real change
  • limit impact of change
  • result in no real change

In contrast, focusing on People's Own Paradigm -- usurper-free Dom -- Real Change would be

  • rapid - almost instantaneous (see video under 'an analogy' here)
  • difficult to subvert
  • broad in impact
  • certain, as different pieces of the puzzle will be bolstered and cemented by the New Paradigm and through Accretive Dialogue

Also, since the Present Systems consistently deprive the citizenry their citizen rights
-- 'X' is merely the next Scheme, other schemes can be introduced in the future --
i.e. the citizenry is at risk of limitless usurpation under the Present Systems,

then the appropriate response to X is to change the Present Systems, and not just be "anti-X".

In Summary: Our Focus Algorithm
Paradigm: usurper-shunned > usurper-centred
.> Systems: Direct Systems > Indirect Systems
. > Systems Actors / Schemes / Rabbitholes