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[–]Snow 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Simple, I saw swine farmers asking "how to sell dead pig bodies to everywhere" on a Chinese farming Baidu tieba sub few months ago.

You folks can view it as zombie movie, since there is no way to cure, people show the nature of themselves. The way they were talking like people struggle in zombie stories. I remember that it's somehow like these:

A:Almost all of my pigs are dead, I have to sell the dead bodies as soon as possible.

B:You are an asshole! The government told us have to report the dead events to the government and let the government destroy the dead bodies, you will get state subsidy for these dead bodies.

A:Who trust the Chinese government!!!!

C:I reported this kind of event, there is no money back! :(

D:We should sell them to Taiwan. >:)

E:Sold in a very low price.

A:I am looking for buyers...:'(

F:FXXk you.

G:You motherfXXkers don't destroy the dead bodies to let it spread! How about other people in this industry?

After they sold the body to the restaurants. They use food waste to feeding pigs and selling the meat to different nations in the world. So I am sure there is no way to stop this outbreak.

Alibaba sellers: When someone orders their stuff to Taiwan, we gift them dried pork for free. >: D