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Part 1

fuck before Snowdon

James Bamford, intelligence, limited hangout, book peddler asset "exposed" the NSA's future $2 billion data center which would be used to store:

"...all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital ‘pocket litter.’”

According to one unnamed former NSA official. [Fuck you, he's anonymous bitch, this isn't a desensitization campaign /s.]

“Everybody’s a target; everybody with communication is a target.”

...i.e. before the Edward Snowden "revelations."

They always used these stories to desensitize the public to accept 1984 style surveillance, which, unfortunately the people willingly accepted by purchasing their devices and using their communication channels.

fuck James Bamford

Intelligence spook, NSA backed limited hangout pusher, 9/11 liar.

fuck Snowden

  • DoD backed, limited "desensitization " hangout agent.

Does the Pulitzer Prize go to persons who are genuinely exposing the fascist incorporated political-economic system? No. Is Snowden's behavior suspicious? Let us find out.

In simple terms, this is how counterintelligence limited hangouts work. They, intelligence agencies, use myriad alternative media assets to spin narratives to control dissenters. That's the psychological operation.

One such suspected counterintelligence narrative to research is the exposure of the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO):

FBI never solved the burglary resulting in the exposure of its secret counterintelligence program COINTELPRO..."

Could it be that that exposure was a counterintelligence operation? That's for you to research.

The "holographic" Snowden "shills official 9/11 lie" interview—

Linked above is a limited hangout PsyOp interview reinforcing the government's official 9/11 memes...

Preserving the 'real hijackers' myth are we now Snowden? These were merely bait trails in the form of informants on missions used as patsies, read Graeme MacQueen or Elias Davidsson for more details. Snowden, nevertheless, thinks otherwise. This interview alone illustrates where Snowden's loyalties lie. That of a controlled opposition engaging in a limited hangout operation.

Therefore, if anyone is wondering what the purpose would be to have the fake hero Snowden placed on the world stage, and interviewed by corporate media, here it is. It is his purpose to foster belief that 9/11 and all these other terrorists acts and their official narratives are "real," authentic or are simply backlash in order to instill more fear of a mythological enemy. Furthermore, Snowden claims the all too common "intelligence failure" canard; generally uttered from the mouths of limited hangout assets, this tactic will successfully divert attention away from the fact that there was, during 9/11, and still is today, a criminal conspiracy to destroy a country with media complicity.

Ask yourself this: If Snowden was really blowing the whistle would he be given such a main stream platform by the major media corporations, knowing where their loyalties lie; in Operation Mockingbird land? No, he would not.

Real whistleblowers/dissidents/renegades are victims of two bullets to the head or murder-suicides or car accidents with no eyewitnesses.

"CNN dedicating one-third of every broadcast hour of airtime to the birth, life and miracles of Edward Snowden..." should raise some red flags.

So, when you observe Snowden glance down (to check his script) and say:

"exploit the national trauma"

—he swallows hard before he says:

"to justify programs..."

Understand Snowden could be one intelligence asset playing a role in a sea of other intelligence assets playing their roles.

We have learned that Snowden takes the threat of terrorism seriously, just not western state sponsored false flag terrorism; regurgitates the official story of the World Trade Center demolitions, cites the "set up to fail" 9/11 Commission, thusly perpetuating the cover-up, whilst blaming intelligence failures; that is the PSYOP.

He, with the oligarchy and their media pundits continue diverting attention away from the catalyzing and catastrophic "New Pearl Harbor" also known as 9/11.

And "when the US wants to accuse Russia North Korea or China of X Y or Z, even if these accusations might have a slither of truth; they roll out their limited hangout Snowden..."

"Snowden wants you to know the NSA was interested in key Chinese customers—Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan Kenya, Cuba..."

Ask yourself why someone who is trained in counterintelligence would want you to know this? For whatever it is worth, the oligarchy uses the limited hangout Snowden leaks to expand the government police-state surveillance matrix under the guise of cybersecurity..."

That is why this alleged insider might pretend to be a fugitive rebelling against the excesses of some oppressive dangerous government. It is a very well planned counterintelligence strategy.

...two weeks after the first leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden were published—Obama defended the NSA surveillance programs..."

(One purpose of a limited hangout operation is to defend the government programs detailed in the documents leaked by the intelligence asset, i.e. using faux whistleblowers to engage in limited hangout operations in order to foster support and defense for an amalgamation and/or centralization and/or universal subservience to said intelligence agencies.)

****Look this up

Snowden was, or still covertly is, a:

  • CIA system admin

  • DIA counterintelligence trainer

  • Dell contractor for NSA

  • Booz Allen Hamilton analyst for NSA

(Booz Allen Hamilton paid Snowden a salary of $122K)

"...reason why Snowden hasn't leaked any docs. concerning Booz Allen Hamilton re: Booz is akin to why AQ/ISIS do not attack Israel—you don't bite the hand that feeds you..."

Snowden must have forgotten to copy the documents related to Zakheim and Booz Allen.

Certainly, 9/11 Truthers cannot annoy you as much as they annoy Assange, right Snowden?

He also in one interview which the censored John Bravo has mentioned is that Snowden has a Tor sticker (red flag) on his laptop. Tor is a honeypot created by the DoD. Why would someone so adamant about protecting themselves from intelligence agencies promote a DoD backed browser?

According to a letter from Dr. Leslie Sachs:

From: "Dr Les Sachs" ><l.sachs[at]>

Subject: Swiss gov letter: No Snowden asylum, he's a CIA fraud

To: info[at]

And I paraphrase this letter:

  • Increase the sense of terrorism/blackmail among governments;

  • Promote CIA-tied media;

  • Entrap genuine dissidents;

The latter would be all too common with Snowden's handler, Glenn Greenwald, and his intelligence backed Intercept project, a start up by First Look media where they ratted out genuine whistleblowers. This will be further detailed at another time.