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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


So, Booz Allen limited hangout Snowden cheers on Rand Paul, thus promoting the filibuster psychological operation.

In 2015, congress wanted you to believe a filibuster would prevent the NSA from sending malware to targets. As we know, congress is incorporated and most of the policies and legislation passed or debated about would be disregarded by the surveillance apparatus anyway.

"This has been a very important part of our effort to defend the homeland since 9/11." —Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

There’s one problem: there’s no evidence to support that.

The President's Review Group on Signals Intelligence stated:

"Our review suggests that the information contributed to terrorist investigations by the use of section 215 telephony meta-data was not essential to preventing attacks."

The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board stated:

Based on the information provided to the Board, including classified briefings and documentation, we have not identified a single instance involving a threat to the United States in which the program made a concrete difference in the outcome of a counterterrorism investigation. Moreover, we are aware of no instance in which the program directly contributed to the discovery of a previously unknown terrorist plot or the disruption of a terrorist attack.

Mitch McConnell, Richard Burr, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Clapper, Tom Cotton and Mike Pompeo, among others ardently supported the reauthorization of section 215.

Filibustering is akin to voting. In that like Rand Paul, we rely on a single action, however prolonged in believing that said action will fix the issues of our time, the people never once consider that maybe voting or filibustering, say the Patriot Act, does not really contravene with the corporation of the UNITED STATES. Concerning the processes of the corporation, no matter the obstructions they allow, no matter whether you think your vote will somehow stick it to the man, you are still encouraging the very system to flourish.

"large amounts of metadata gives the government access to even more revealing portraits of individuals/groups..."

And reading between these lines, someone, some entity, wants Americans to believe that the NSA will stop routing internet traffic through their data centers and that Snowden is a hero.

Yet, it is quite clear that a persons' digital internet footprint is exponentially larger than their telecommunications footprint. Just think about all those images, messages, emails, posts, tweets, likes, searches, histories, purchases, accounts, memberships, subscriptions etc.

"...but it is virtually impossible to make a call on normal phones without generating an Amdocs record of it..."

Substantiated by this PsyOp:

"...certain suspects in 9/11 may have managed to stay ahead of them by knowing who and when investigators are calling on the telephone..."

Think about the Israeli art students who lived in close proximity to the 9/11 alleged hijackers, think about Amdocs, think about paper patsies!

"...virtually all call records and billing in the USA are done for the phone companies by Amdocs—an Israeli-based private telecom company..."

"NSA issued a report (TS/SCI) warning that records of calls in the United States were getting into foreign hands—in Israel—in particular..."

"...widespread data mining techniques and algorithms—combining both the properties of the customer and properties of the specific behavior..."

"...USA government officials are worried about the possibility that Amdocs data could get into the wrong hands—particularly organized crime..."

Here one can observe that Israeli owned private companies are being blamed to counter information which exposes domestic spying operations. If the UNITED STATES corporation & company is truly concerned about Israeli intelligence, they would cut ties with sharing personal information with them. The fact is that the Israeli intelligence agencies work hand-in-hand with American intelligence agencies and telecommunication companies, many fronted by dual-Israeli citizens.