all 4 comments

[–]Promyka5When in the course of human events... 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The tune by Five Times August at the end was the most fitting selection possible to put this film into context. If there is in fact any justice remaining in the United States, their litigation against Pfizer will succeed and real consequences will ensue.

[–]3andfro 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Should be required viewing in every statehouse in the land, in every city council, and of course, by every member of Congress and the top officials of the FDA and CDC. Yes: mandates for "our" elected and unelected decision-makers to see in vivid detail what they did.

[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It should be but it won't be. At best, maybe some of the Senate and House Republicans who are tackling some of the vaccine mandate issues will bring it to the attention of more people. Sad that we have to rely on such a small group to highlight these issues and even sadder for former Democrats like us that it's Republicans doing it, not Democrats.

[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Three families were interviewed for this documentary who tell heart-wrenching stories people need to listen to. Interspersed with those stories are statements from Dr. McCullough and others, some of them transcribed below, that speak to various examples of medical malpractice by our public health officials that caused these families' losses.

19:44 Edward Dowd testifying Dec 2022, from 2020 to 2021 phenomenal shift in excess mortality from the old to the young, also saw disabilities starting to rise in May 2021. These shifts continue and our health authorities have no interest in trying to figure out what's going on; this should be a national story. Denmark and the UK have already changed their vaccine policies - in Denmark, they're saying no one under age 50 should get the vaccine and they're recommending against it for everyone; they obviously saw something the US health authorities ought to be seeing as well. In the UK, they stopped the C19 vaccine for children under age 12 so why are our own health authorities continuing to push them for this age group?

23:18 Dr. James Thorpe, OB/GYN: over past 3 years we've seen a myriad of very adverse obstetrical outcomes and adverse infertility issues. The rise of menstrual irregularities and miscarriages is unparalled in his career.

About Naomi, the infant born at 39 weeks gestation who died after 11 hours, she was diagnosed with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, which is a very serious malformation, so serious that if it's not identified prior to birth and mom delivers unprepared in a regular hospital, we're pretty much going to lose that baby after birth. Every time that baby takes a breath the entire gut migrates up into the chest cavity because of the hole in the diaphragm and pushes the left lung and the heart over to the right side and the lungs won't develop. And if you don't fix that and prepare for it, those babies will die. The baby is fine in the mother's womb because the placenta does its breathing for them, but the moment you clip that umbilical cord, the baby can't sustain oxygenation.

33:54: Roberto Romero is the foremost maternal fetal medicine doctor and has been researching inflammation and pregnancy for 5 decades. His research shows that any substance that causes inflammation in pregnancy is a death knell to any [of the fetus's] organ systems. And when that spike protein attaches to the ACE2 receptor, it causes severe inflammation throughout the body.

There's a billion-fold increase in the levels of spike protein in the vaccinated after they've received the shot compared to the unvaccinated who have had Covid 19. But now, when it's a change in your genetics to produce a foreign, toxic protein for the rest of your life, it has a horrible effect on the vascular system and the development of organs.

A crucial question is whether the number of stillbirths went up in 2020 when we had Covid but didn't yet have the vaccine - if Covid in and of itself caused an increase, we should see this in 2020, but I didn't see them. I aggregated three years of the government's own data from Statista - 2017, 2018 and 2019 - with the average rate of stillbirths at 5.83 per thousand. In 2020, when we had the greatest number of deaths worldwide from Covid, it actually went down to 5.74 per thousand. We're late for 2021 and 2022 because it's not even being reported but based on what whistleblower Michelle Gershmon, a postpardum RN, reported, there's been a 5-fold increase since 2020, up to 29.3 per thousand.

38:30 Michelle Gershmon, RN: before Mar 2021 we would see 1 or 2 stillbirths every 2-3 months; after Mar 2021 we started having 1 or 2 per week. These mothers got the vaccine when they were full-term and like within a week they were delivering a dead baby; I was seeing mom with all these horrific medical problems like blood clots and high blood pressure and bleeding from the eyes. An email she received from superiors said there were 22 demises in Aug 2022, which matched the record for Jul 2021, and there were 7 demises as of Sept. 8th, 2022. The email went on to say that because all these babies were dying, the nurses needed to learn how to handle a dead baby's body - it should have been "because these babies are dying, we should try to find out why, the public should know and people should be outraged." During the email we were seeing 1-2 stillbirths a week; one of the nurses told me two months ago that there were 8 in one day, and 3 or 4 weeks before that there were 5 in one day.

Screen: Unlike many states where fetal death data is available, California denied a request for this information saying that they were "statutorily bound" from releasing it.

42:30 Dr. Thorpe: the data from Pfizer themselves, which they, the FDA and CDC attempted to bury for 75 years, was available 2/28/21. You can go look at it yourself [can be downloaded here]. Some points he makes from their report:

  • Go to page 7, you'll see in the first 10 weeks of rollout it was the deadliest drug known to man, I challenge anyone to show me any drug that has had more than the 1,223 dead the Pfizer report shows. In 1976 with the swine flu vaccine, 26 people died and they immediately pulled it off the market; in 1999/2000 they pulled the rotovirus vaccine because even though there were no deaths there were a dozen cases of telescoping of the bowel. What's different now?

  • the obstetrical data on p. 12 is horrible. Pregnant women weren't allowed to take this, they weren't included in the Phase 1, 2 or 3 clinical trials so there shouldn't have been any getting the vaccine on roll-out. But there were. The Pfizer report says that 270 pregnant women took it and they didn't even follow up 238 of them, even though for the ones they did follow up the miscarriage rate was 81%; there is a 5-fold increase in stillbirth rate; a 7.9-fold increase in neonatal death rate;

45:48: This was a trillion dollar cash cow. Feb 28, 2021 was the end of the 90-day vaccine rollout and the CDC and HHS had the Pfizer data. So what did they do? $13 billion through a newly formed CCC - Covid-19 Community Corps - and they hired 298 organizations, medical groups and individuals that were high influencers. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynocologists took at least $11 million and we documented that they signed an agreement that they were not allowed to deviate from the CDC and HHS narrative or they would have to pay every penny back.

47:55 Ernesto Ramirez Sr, whose son Ernesto Jr died because of the vax, said in Nov 2021 he got a call from FEMA and they continued to contact him about once a month. They offered him financial help - $10K to $35K - if he would have his son's death certficate changed so cause of death was listed as Covid.

50:30 Dr. Thorpe: we're not sure what you received in these vaccines, nobody knows, it's actually a DOD product and we're not allowed to analyze the vials. What we do know is that it affects the immune system and there are mitigation measures (talks about various immunization naturopathic interventions like Vitamin D3-K2, etc.). It's not just the US, fertility rates are down and all cause mortality rates are up all over the world.

53:50 Dr. Peter McCullough: By the time the vaccines were advanced toward children, we knew they caused myocarditis - the FDA declared this in Jun 2021 meetings; the peak age we found out was 18-24 but there was a tail of myocarditis that occurred clearly in the teenage years.

The CDC has an advisory panel, the ACIP, that advises the CDC on what vaccines children should take. In an unprecedented and shocking move, ACIP approved the Pfizer vaccine to be added to the childhood vaccination schedule. All the prior vaccines had to go through development, full FDA licensure, approval, testing; and at the time they were introduced they had to have some medical necessity, clinical indication and some track record on safety and efficacy to get put on the vaccine schedule.

The Covid 19 vaccines were not fully FDA-approved, were not licensed, they're under emergency use authorization, they're genetic mechanism of action - the first genetic shot a child would receive. There were no assurances on short- or long-term safety. In fact the childhood studies relied on antibodies, surrogate endpoints - and the diagnostic division of the FDA advised doctors not to rely on antibodies as an indicator of immunity [especially after they'd received the vaccine]. Yet the FDA vaccine division relied on antibodies as endpoints in clinical trials.

57:21: a recent Kaiser survey showed that parents are backing away from the entire childhood vaccine schedule. They're basically saying, "if the group that approved the Pfizer vaccine for this schedule is the same group that installed the other vaccines on the schedule, then their judgment is being called into question." Post-Covid, children face 100 shots on this schedule and more are continually added; before Covid, it was 72.

58:30 Dr. Thorpe: something that disturbed me (regarding Naomi, the infant that died within 11 hours) was, why did they give a Hepatitis B vaccine to an infant that didn't have [functional] lungs, that was dying from severe respiratory acidosis and severe lack of oxygen. First, you never vaccinate people when they're sick, that's Vaccine 101. But why would you give any baby a Hepatitis B vaccine anyway, given they are not at risk?

(as always, minor edits had to be made)