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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Gaius has become my new favorite substack. Absolutely incredible insights.

[–]Super_Soviet_Gundam 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Can't recommend this article enough. If you have a hard time understanding why these shits act the way they do, this is it.

[–]CNicholsonArt 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've been thinking this all along. It's good to see someone articulate it so completely. This is essential reading.

[–]chakokat[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Guest essay by Gaius Baltar.

There are several reasons why the non-western world is increasingly severing ties with the West. One of them can be described as the “breakdown of diplomacy” in the West, which more accurately refers to the almost total abandonment of diplomacy by western leaders and diplomats. Incidentally, this didn’t start with the war in Ukraine, but about a year earlier. Something happened right after the election of Joe Biden which seems to have switched the western diplomatic gene off, so to speak, and switched on the threat gene instead. Not that there was much diplomacy before, but things can always get worse – and they have.


The pressure is getting to the western political elites and they can’t keep a lid on their emotions and real opinions. They can no longer hide their hatred for anyone who resists them, or their contempt for them. Their doublethink, double standards, and extreme sense of entitlement, which justifies any action from them while condemning it from their opponents, is out in the open for all to see. All this, as well as their complete absence of competence and their total abandonment of reality, is very symptomatic for a certain type of people. That is not a coincidence as we shall see.

Cultivating the gardeners

It is not a secret that the western political class undergoes a selection process before being set loose on their populations. Various programs have been set up to recruit and indoctrinate promising young (and not so young) people for leadership positions in government and business. Some of these programs are shady and operate on a personal level while others have a “probing function” and are out in the open – such as the WEF’s “young global leaders” program. A significant number of high-level people are involved in this recruitment drive, including SPECTRE agents Klaus Schwab and George Soros. A recent success is Nikol Pashinyan who has been reconfigured as a suicide drone and aimed at the Armenian people.

After selection and ideological enhancement, these leaders are assisted in infiltrating governments and organizations around the world – as Klaus Schwab has bragged about publicly. Should they succeed, they are protected and assisted at every turn, and then provided with a well-paid job at some international organization as a reward for their service and loyalty. The assistance and protection is usually carried out by government or supranational organizations, including EU organizations, and various intelligence services, which have an enforcement role. Step out of line and there will be a scandal. If you are a leader of a country, there will be regime change. This process is both intended to ensure loyalty of the recruited and to keep the others in line.


Why the low competence?

One of the most common questions people have been asking recently is why our political elites are so incompetent. Since the Ukraine war started they have completely lost control of everything. They misjudged Russia, they botched the sanctions and the war, they are losing control of the western economies, and they are losing control of the non-western world due to the destruction of the “international system.” They fail at everything they do – absolutely everything. Why is this?

The incompetence is a result of the recruitment parameters. They were recruited to destroy, not to build or solve problems. It takes no skill to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger. It takes a lot of skill to extract the bullet and repair the damage. Our political elites were hired to shoot the gun. In their demolition task, competence isn’t necessary at all. It takes little skill to destroy even complicated systems. They just pass laws and regulations and others will take care of the rest.

The demolition of western societies and economies is organized in a piecemeal fashion. They are being destroyed gradually, slice by slice, because doing it rapidly would spook the populations. Any farmer knows that spooked livestock can be dangerous, and our political elites understand this. Now, however, they have run into a major problem.

The Ukraine war and the loss of control over the non-western world have caused economic chaos in the West – which will be followed by social chaos. This is bringing the whole house of cards down far too fast and they fear they might lose control. They need to react and solve those problems – but they don’t know how – because they are incompetent. All these challenges and failures are causing their models of self to be challenged, which has serious emotional consequences for them – so they escalate on every level. They shout at people, insult people, make up delusional explanations, and then retreat into absolute denial. Everybody can see this – including the leaders of the non-western world. Nobody wants to talk to our political elites these days, because a narcissist who is losing control is not pleasant to be around.

So, what exactly is behind their incompetence? There are two main reasons. Firstly, it is their low self-awareness. People with low self-awareness cannot evaluate their own thought processes properly and they, therefore, cannot evaluate if they are doing a good job or not. When it comes to complicated or creative work, a low self-awareness person sees little difference between utter nonsense and something of substance. High self-awareness is an absolute prerequisite for that kind of work. Secondly, it is their emotional neediness and high emotional “salience.” Narcissists are emotional creatures, and overwhelming emotions and emotion-based motivations simply block the brain’s ability to think logically.

[–]3andfro 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When the narcissist has been brainwashed with these belief systems, these systems will have become internalized. They have become a part of the self and must be advanced and defended. For this any action and lie can be justified. Any challenge will be personal and must be crushed. Abandonment of the beliefs cannot be allowed because it would damage the self, resulting in emotional turmoil and anxiety. The narcissist therefore cannot back down once committed. He has no reverse gear.

[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

This was a great piece and I think he nails it when he pegs them as narcissists who have been cultivated through a long process. This trait is also common to the Straussians, i.e., neocons.

For this any action and lie can be justified. Any challenge will be personal and must be crushed.

And nails it again with this:

The incompetence is a result of the recruitment parameters. They were recruited to destroy, not to build or solve problems.

They were recruited for their ability to do well on standardized tests and regurgitate orthodoxy; people who are able to think creatively and outside the box need not apply.

[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I think it was Alexander Mercouris who said the political class, especially in Europe, "played" to each other rather than to their constituents, and this is why they came across as so disconnected from reality.

This fits in with what the author says here, that these people are narcissists to begin with and flattery about their intelligence and importance is used to recruit them to the cause, then that tie is cemented so that an attack on one is an attack on both. It's the country club set writ large: if you want to be part of the kewl kids' group, you have to be willing to subjugate all your individualistic principles and considerations, and practice makes perfect over time.

[–]CaelianPost No Toasties 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Golly, sounds just like 18th Century European royalty and aristocracy.

[–]penelopepnortneyBecome ungovernable 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

That's a comparison he and others have drawn, noting the empires that collapsed within 5 years of WWI and that if you look at what they were saying leading up to the collapse, there was no indication they had any idea it was coming.

(and yes, realized that would have been 20th century, not the 18th!)