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[–]Orochiwe don't need no water let the mother[honk] burn 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Feels bad, man. More than a decade ago I read a sci-fi story short about AI being used this exact same way. The thrust of this story is that in the US, AI was used to maximize efficiency, make working hell, and shut below average workers out of the workforce until the oligarchs became all powerful and had a problem with what that WEF guy called "useless eaters", while in Australia AI benefited everyone creating the kind of world past generations thought the future would bring us.

Even worse? This story generously assumed that the 99% would be sheltered in projects instead of being left in the streets like present day reality has wrought.

Manna, by Marshall Brain