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[–]risistill me 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

A better remedy: Stop posting bigotry to test the boundaries of a sub. Even better: Stop being a bigot.

[–]NetweaselContinuing the struggle 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

to test the boundaries of a sub.

You may have hit upon the the actual main kernel of the problem right there.

And their "testing of the boundaries" of this sub seems to have "tested the boundaries" of Saidit.

When one first discovers Saidit, one will see a watered down Reddit, with posts coming from standard, well-curated subs.

Only later will they find out that what they are seeing is not all of Saidit -- there's the rest of Saidit over at s/all.

And then later, some of those people will discover that s/all is a lie --- s/all is not ALL of Saidit. There is yet more.

An unknown-sized sweeping vista of subs that have been cast out of the peer-reviewed, peer-pressured conformity of s/all.

So my question is (not to you specifically, I still have to find where it goes): Is there a way to see the actual all of Saidit? Like Simba, I am curious about the shadow area that Mufasa said not to go to.

Another way to ask the question: How do I see a list of all the posts made in actual all of Saidit that have been made in the past half hour?
For all I know there could be a few subs out there with tens of thousands of subscribers, that have posts with absolute gobs of discussion hidden behind the curtain of s/(not-really)all.

Is there a way to see the actual all of Saidit? Or has a large chunk of Saidit been tucked away like a cousin no one speaks of in the name of alleged "free speech"?