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[–]0_0 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Some highlights (emphasis mine):

During periods when many persons were vaccinated, excess mortality seems to have increased more strongly compared to the same periods in the previous pandemic year. During the first and second vaccination periods in spring and summer 2021, an increase in cumulative excess mortality is observed, while the year before a decrease was observed. During the period of the third vaccination, parallel to the increase in vaccinations, an increase in cumulative excess mortality can be observed that starts earlier than in the year before. And in 2022, when large parts of the population have been vaccinated, the cumulative number of excess deaths showed a further increase, which even exceeds the previous pandemic year without vaccinations. There seem to be negative long-term effects either of the SARS-CoV-2 infections, COVID-19 measures, the COVID-19 vaccination, or most probably a combination of these.


Inspecting the numbers of vaccinations and excess deaths per month confirms the above impression: Other than in the year before, during the months with a high number of the first, second, and third vaccinations, also a high number of excess deaths was observed.


Given the temporal relationship between the increase in vaccinations and excess mortality, it seems surprising that a respective safety signal has not been detected in the pharmacovigilance by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI), which is responsible for the safety monitoring of drugs in Germany. A closer inspection of the methods used by the PEI to monitor possibly deadly side effects of the COVID-19 vaccinations [29] reveals that a flawed safety analysis is used that will not indicate a safety signal even if a vaccine causes extremely large numbers of unexpected deaths.