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[–]stoptheearth 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Well most people under 40 don't trust the TV news" if that were true the internet experience would be much more pleasant than it is, believe me. Just look at all the reddiors and tiktok users who believe any clickbait headline (without actually clicking) and go straight to comment wars. Perceptions of innocent people are ruined, misinformation spreads just as easily as before if not more. Nothing's changed. Young people are as gullible as facebook boomers.

Trivial example to show how much people can't be arsed to check the validity of information themselves: I play an online dating sim for girls where the credits are accessible in one click. Dissatisfied with the writing of some scenes, people started claiming that it's because it was a full-male team in charge of the writing, despite the credits clearly showing that there was only one man while the rest are women. One click, and they can't bother to double check the info. People would rather take everything at face value than do a 2 minutes google search, even with all the fact-checking sites available now.