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[–]alladd 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

it takes you experiencing once what is pretty much one of the most female affirming moments to realise that the concept of someone thinking that they can freely touch your body to realise how completely humiliating and terrifying it actually is

What a fucking retard LOL. Imagine being this far into your deluded lesbian fetish fantasy and you experience empathy for women for the first time. "Turns out being groped isn't as fun as in my hentais!" He's still calling it a "female-affirming" moment too. Straight up admitting he associates misogyny with being a woman.

The people lamenting straights ruining gay clubs are fucking funny too. You morons think a cheap wig and semantics is all a straight guy needs to be a "transbian" and therefore you deserve to have every space that is sacred to you ruined.