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[–]OuroborosTheory 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the "progressive stack" helped rip apart Occupy 2011 (plus the First Black PresidentTM coordinating mounted police like a Tsar or something): it's definitely a pressure-valve effect because they couldn't lash into Obama: how many protests were there 2009-15? and as you noted 2021 changed a lot too--when you have the ultimate Old White Male Chickenhawk Graduation-to-Grave Politician in charge but can't criticize him that puts a dent in the constant ranting

but really the Olympics just admits that the Oppressed aren't one happy community marching together--StopAsianHate lasted like 10 days once they found out who the happy-slappers were; the holy TWOC grail aren't being Murdered On The Streets by carloads of Klansmen; and there's the political lesbians fighting the gays fighting the Benjamin Franklin trans women, WalMart just buying Congressmen who marched with MLK to yell about Koreans/Jews/Arabs, heck let's throw in the Cherokee fighting for the Confederacy and disowning their slaves in a bitch move

also Black Mirror and Squid Game came out and the whole idea of social credit and/or a society divided between 1. groups of Perfects suckling the teat of victimhood forever vs. 2. people Born Sinful who had to Shut Up and Listen to those they oppressed got a little on-the-nose [I personally would also recommend Love, Death, and Robots]