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[–]AriShekelsteinDDS 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thinks being NB makes her somehow special Attempts to control the cop via compelled speech Claims to be afraid in an attempt to manipulate the cop into letting her off Doesn’t believe she should be held accountable

Once again, can’t help but notice consistent patterns of behavior from certain groups over and over again.

I’d love to see a study done on these people that focuses on how they were raised. I think it would be very telling and we’d see some common themes appear. Too many of them act like spoiled, selfish and immature twats for their upbringing to not be a factor.

As a parent to a young child, one of the things I always stress to him is accountability. You do wrong, you suffer a consequence (I’m not some drill Sargent kind of parent, but that’s just the way the world works). So, make good choices and you’ll keep yourself out of trouble. And he almost always makes good decisions.

I know some people with grade school aged kids who are simply not disciplined nearly enough. And in those cases, one of the parents (usually the mother) actively runs interference for the kid against the other parent when the kid acts like a little shit.

The result in all instances are kids who are very immature for their age, behave at times in an almost feral manner (watching a 9 year old put their mouth on a plate and scrape food into it because they won’t learn how to properly use utensils is quite a site) and who think everyone else exists to bend to their will.

Yes, a lot of the stuff we talk about on here is caused by a number of factors but I feel like we as a society don’t ask nearly often enough “what the fuck were their parents doing?”

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It should be news to no one that a lot of the trendy fender specials are sociopaths.

Course sociopaths gravitate towards whatever trendy stuff they think grants them social clout and control over people. Vegans are another one. Normal Vegans just have a stupid diet but aren't impositional about it and understand the world won't change to accommodate them. But sociopath vegans will never shut up about how being vegan makes them better, and loves the fact that social gatherings revolve around food as it gives them a means to control the menu ( or play victim when their control effect fails)

Woe is me I can only eat this one thing at the buffet and it's not so good. Woe is me. When in reality they can eat anything on the buffet if they choose to. And they choose to only eat that one thing. Self imposed suffering.

Sociopaths will just do this for whatever they can get away with though. Think being gay gives them an edge, oh boy here come all gay people who say they are "bi" for clout but are for all intents and purposes straight except for the rainbow shirt.

Or even in churches really, crazy church sociopaths have long been a plague on society and I think it's only in recent years as the church is no longer the social clout avenue it was before have they become less relevant.

But I think there's always two elements that draw them, does thing let me feel superior to others, does thing let me manipulate others and control them.